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In Need of Explanation or Education

8 months ago • Feb 5, 2024

Re: In Need of Explanation or Education

I'mME • Feb 5, 2024
Cognizant wrote:
Hello fellow Cage Dwellers.

I witnessed an event yesterday that has left me baffled and wanting information. I have never witnessed anything exactly like this and would like to try and understand what happened, and how it happened.

I manage a small branch office where a typical shift will have four to six workers in cubicles and me. We range in age from low 20's to close to 70. My two newest staff, both administrative are in their mid 20's . YES, most of the women on my staff exhibit strong submissive traits - that's partly why I hired them. NO - I don't get my meat where I get my bread.

Yesterday afternoon an established client came in and had to wait in the lobby for his appointment, since the one before his was running overtime. This client is a rather unique individual, but very non violent or intimidating. Yup, he has a mohawk hairstyle, sure he wears a leather jacket, Of course his personality is gregarious and confident. Neither of the fore mentioned staff popped out of their cublcle to see this client, they only heard him. He was talking about nepotism in the local music scene and discrimination by a local gym management, because of his appearance.

I see myself in this young man, albiet many years since I was in a punk/metal band, I still shake my fist in defiance of "The Man", and could easily relate to his colorful tale of smallish town redneckery clashing with alternative styles. If you aren't wearing the right version of camouflaged Carhartt you may be scrutinized by some good old boys. So I just happen to be manning the front desk when this client is on his rant, while out of the corner of my eye I notice one of the two young receptionists is struggling inside her cubicle, I can see her face palming, deep sighing and looking exasperated. At first I attribute her discomfort to tech problems we are facing with a new voip phone system. Meanwhile Mr. Punk Rocker that likes to stay in shape is mouthing his disapproval of booking practices of a couple local bars and griping about how management of a local gym has singled him out for harassment. I engage him lightly, and remind him we are a professional service so he may want to keep his cursing to a minimum.

Jump ahead an hour and the client has finished his appointment and left the building - Now these two young women come together in the first cubicle hug and break down sobbing. Snot spewing, body quivering, uncontrollable sobs and unable to talk clearly without gasping for air and stuttering. THE SADIST IN ME RECOGNIZES THIS REACTION and peaks my interest in whatever phenomenon just happened. My GAWD the implications here.

So, neither young office worker could offer me an explanation of any depth sufficient to help me understand what transpired. The first said "he reminded me of an ex", while the second said she reacted because her friend was in crisis - the two had been messaging each other via an intercompany chat and file sharing app. An hour later the first had gone home for the day and the second had approached me for assistance with her task. Standing a few feet away from me she again had a spasm and shook, closing her eyes tightly and sighing loudly claiming to still be upset about the talking man. - AGAIN MY INNER SADIST SAW CLEAR SIGNS that the scene is over and aftercare should be taking place. All these years I've wasted using impact toys, and painful torments to bring these reactions out of you, when all I needed to do was tell you a story. . . . . . . . . . .

Have any of you had a similar experience? What is your take? As the office manager, I know what HR would say, but from your perspective, what should I have done differently?

How do you tell a woman is submissive? Why do you use this as part of your criteria to HIRE a woman for a JOB?

The two females who had meltdowns are immature, unable to control themselves, and sound like they need to expand their mind and worlds.
There was nothing wrong with the guy you described, the problem was with your submissive employees.

Are you trying to connect this hysterical, for no reason behavior, to them being submissive?

Submissives are varied in looks, intelligence, humor, the way they submit, etc.
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared}
8 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
Don’t understand where Sadists, submissives, and aftercare come into play in all of this.

It looks like one of the young girl was triggered and didn’t know how to handle it well.
Probably needs therapy.
The other girl was probably upset about her friend.

Think HR should be contacted so they can handle the situation.

I think if the person is a regular client then the girl should consider a diff job to avoid anymore triggers until her issues are resolved.

I also don’t see how you can see submissive tells?

Whenever I am not with my Dominant and am around people I tend to be more outspoken and somewhat of a leader so I can be heard.

Which is the complete opposite of how I am in my D/s relationship haha.

Idk don’t judge a book by its cover in this generation.
K y i v
7 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
K y i v • Feb 6, 2024
Cam, show me a strong woman in the world and I will show you one who longs to let go of that behind closed doors.
7 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
I'mME • Feb 6, 2024
[quote="K y i v"]Cam, show me a strong woman in the world and I will show you one who longs to let go of that behind closed doors.[/quote


I agree with your statement. Their are a myriad of things that contribute to women and the idea that they can not let one inch of being strong go.

Can one can tell if a woman is submissive by their appearance and mannerisms in a business setting. I don't know and hence why I asked a question, response, nothing. People should not write comments/questions on forums within platforms such as this if they do not want to answer questions.
It's a theme in this day and era, it does not promote conversation. It's wackery thinking that people can not have differing thoughts on these forum discussions, when and if they do, it's considered starting trouble, being snippy, catty. These are some of the things I have read by people on this platform.

I will just add another name to the list of people who do not answer direct question.

I said what I said.

aPeepingMom​(sub female)
7 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Feb 6, 2024
I think the dude left The Cage, his profile no longer exists. Guess he didn’t like what he was told.

Too bad, because I was going to tell him that it sounded like very gross behavior from where I sit. And like several have said, passive behavior in the workplace does not mean a submissive at home. I’m a walking cliche of the assertive, aggressive, ball-busting woman in the workplace.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
7 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Feb 6, 2024
You mean someone made sense of this post?

I gave up on it in the middle of the second paragraph. It sounded way too much like someone who had no idea what he was talking about , but continued to rant and rave like someone should pay attention to him.
7 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
I'mME • Feb 7, 2024
aPeepingMom wrote:
I think the dude left The Cage, his profile no longer exists. Guess he didn’t like what he was told.

Too bad, because I was going to tell him that it sounded like very gross behavior from where I sit. And like several have said, passive behavior in the workplace does not mean a submissive at home. I’m a walking cliche of the assertive, aggressive, ball-busting woman in the workplace.


I'm just me, human. If there is a need to stand up for myself or someone else, IDGAF where I might be ..
Lol. People may argue, disagree and still be friends, lovers, etc. Or at the very least, maybe understand a little bit better where someone is coming from and agree to disagree..

7 months ago • Feb 7, 2024
I'mME • Feb 7, 2024
I'mME wrote:
aPeepingMom wrote:
I think the dude left The Cage, his profile no longer exists. Guess he didn’t like what he was told.

Too bad, because I was going to tell him that it sounded like very gross behavior from where I sit. And like several have said, passive behavior in the workplace does not mean a submissive at home. I’m a walking cliche of the assertive, aggressive, ball-busting woman in the workplace.


I'm just me, human. If there is a need to stand up for myself or someone else, IDGAF where I might be ..
Lol. People may argue, disagree and still be friends, lovers, etc. Or at the very least, maybe understand a little bit better where someone is coming from and agree to disagree..



I'm not coming to work for you, so don't even try and ask me to......

*I’m a walking cliche of the assertive, aggressive, ball-busting woman in the workplace.[/quote]*
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
7 months ago • Feb 11, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Feb 11, 2024
TopekaDom wrote:
You mean someone made sense of this post?

I gave up on it in the middle of the second paragraph. It sounded way too much like someone who had no idea what he was talking about , but continued to rant and rave like someone should pay attention to him.

Yep. I read it as bizarre attention seeking chest drumming. From the position of someone who reads Gor and dreams of that reality....