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Do you block or have you been blocked?

AlphaByDesign​(dom male)
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024

Do you block or have you been blocked?

AlphaByDesign​(dom male) • Mar 11, 2024
Do any of you ever block someone? And if so, why?
Also, have you ever been blocked? And why do you think you’ve been blocked? I have never blocked anyone but I’ve been blocked by lots of people. One person even wrote a blog about me months ago after blocking me.I consider being blocked a gift. It means they aren’t wasting my time and I respect that.
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024
SweetStarling • Mar 11, 2024
I have not had to block yet... I just dont reply or say I'm not interested. But that's me so far, if they continued I would block. No clue if I've been blocked.
Satindragon{Not Lookin}
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024
Satindragon{Not Lookin} • Mar 11, 2024
I do block people over rudeness. I was taught you can't reason with a fence post. So I don't waste my time.

I have been blocked a few times because of the Dominant that I was with. Some have blocked me because I'm just not their cup of tea. Which is okay then we aren't wasting their time or mine.
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected}
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024
I've blocked plenty of Doms, I don't think I've ever blocked a sub. I've been blocked by two people that I know of. I don't think I've ever had issues with anyone on this site other than those two. *shrugs* I don't think too much on it. Like Satin said, not their cup of tea.
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024
Ms MaryJane{NOT LOOKIN} • Mar 11, 2024
My block list is a mile long. There are a lot of guys here who don't care what a woman says in her profile or if a woman say No thanks. Being rude and not respectful of what I say in my profile....BLOCK. I have been blocked just as much I am sure. It is most likely because they don't like my bluntness. But I am very clear in my profile. I don't sugar coat anything.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Mar 11, 2024
AlphaByDesign wrote:
That must be an Australian term. We don’t say twat here in Texas.


I hear they prefer the term "TwatWaffle"
3 months ago • Mar 11, 2024
I'mME • Mar 11, 2024
[quote="AlphaByDesign"]That must be an Australian term. We don’t say twat here in Texas.[/quote


I have friends in Texas. They definitely say twat. Twatwaffle, twatter, etc.