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Dungeon/Toys After Death

TopekaDom​(dom male)
3 months ago • Mar 16, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Mar 16, 2024
Not my problem. When it becomes an issue, I will be beyond any embarrassment. It is something my wife or executer will have to deal with.
3 months ago • Mar 16, 2024
lambsone • Mar 16, 2024
Good points dollmaker.
3 months ago • Mar 16, 2024
lambsone • Mar 16, 2024
Yes Topeka, that would be ideal to have a spouse take care of it. Easy peasy.
3 months ago • Mar 16, 2024
lambsone • Mar 16, 2024
Some great ideas from everyone.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
dollMaker wrote:
A close friend has letters with contact information for people I want to know I have died...snip.

I hadn't thought of doing this. Thank you for this idea dollmarker. It just dawned on me a large portion of life is now online. In the event of death my family wouldn't know to inform these people, some of which I've corresponded with for decades.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME • Mar 17, 2024
aradialspire wrote:
I went through a prolonged period of illness, and I had to consider this.

At one point, I was learning to use a sight cane (the little stick so you can see where you're going; my vision is better now thankfully!), and the vision trainer decided she was going to come upstairs to see how I handled stairs and maneuvering around the house.

I didn't know it at the time, but I had a glass dildo and a GIGANTIC bottle of water-based lubricant on the bedside table 😂😂💀 She was very uncomfortable when we went out on the patio to practice some skills, and I, for the life of me, couldn't figure out why. I thought she was worried about safety because it was rickety. Later in the day, I figured it out when making the bed and tidying up.

At first, I was horrified and called my friend, crying about it. I wondered what was going to happen if I died and someone found all my weird stuff. Then we laughed for a long time. Who gives a shit, we're all doing something!

You are a full and complete human being with many facets. Once you go, you're gone. You have children and grandchildren; obviously, they got here somehow. Some might be a little freaked out, and some might be a bit proud. Grandmas need love too.

As for kink thrift stores, you may be able to donate things to your local kink or queer community, depending on where you live and what the items are. If they can be sterilized, reupholstered, etc., they may be able to find a new home (though few will want a used silicone dildo; those can be recycled depending on the material composition; you could ask your family in your will to send them to certain companies for proper recycling for those that accept them.)

But whatever the case may be, it'll be out of your hands. Enjoy your life while you have it! There's only one judgment you have to worry about.


I'm glad you were able to cry with a friend, the laugh with that friend. Gee, I wonder where she thinks a better place may be to keep said toy.
Sportsgirl55​(sub female)
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
Sportsgirl55​(sub female) • Mar 17, 2024
Luckily at least one of my siblings and his wife are open minded and we've discussed my kink side and theirs, after my brother was house sitting and found the closet with my kink stuff in it. He know where everything is, and since they are the executors of my will, I really do not need to worry. Luckily, there only question to me was ... "can we keep what we want?"
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024

Re: Dungeon/Toys After Death

helpmeserve • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone wrote:
For those who have dungeons in your home, or for anyone who has kink toys, have you thought about what will happen when you die with all that stuff?

We can have anonymity while we are alive, but we can't stop folks discovering things about us after death. Especially one's children or other family members. It would be nice if there were kink thrift stores.

So anyway, has anyone thought about this aspect of owning toys and equipment and what will happen to it and your reputation after you die?

I'll be dead - so my reputation won't be affected
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024
That's so cool Sportsgirl55!!!