NoOneofConsequence(dom male){Taken}
4 years ago •
May 22, 2020
4 years ago •
May 22, 2020
Oh, horseshit. Everybody into BDSM is most certainly NOT polyamorous any more than every single miserable little subbie wants the flesh stripped from her ass and back by a chain flail... or every Dom has a chain flail in his tool kit oiled up and just looking for someone to use it on. And anyone that tells you "everyone does it" is just stuck ass first in their own Johari's Window. (And, no, I haven't ever smoked pot either.)
You like what you like and need what you need.
I like what I like and need what I need.
S/he and they like what s/he and they like and need what s/he and they need.
"There ain't no good guy. There ain't no bad guy. There is only you and me and we just disagree." ~ Dave Mason (
Now, it may SEEM sometimes like there is a groundswell of polyamory in BDSM, but think about it. The only people that are loud and brash about it, that will talk about it to a stranger, are those that are actively looking. When someone who is monogamous finds someone, they quit lookin'. And, for the most part, they quit being so open to talkin' about it with just whomever. The polyamorous fall into two camps. Those that are content with what they have until someone else manages to pierce deep enough that they will think about taking them on, which usually takes a long time with several steps by way of friendship before they can get there. And those that are actively looking for something else, and will talk to anyone about what they are looking for. Sort of a cattle call versus head hunting.
It could very well be that if you are mono-amorous, then the person you will eventually find is with someone else right now and stubbornly holding onto that relationship as their one and only from now until the end of time, despite all evidence that they are trying to hold back the tsunami by sticking their pecker in the hole in the dam.
Also, mono-amorous people don't deal with the cessation of a past relationship well. This means that even if they are NOT currently in a relationship, they may be trying to get over a past "failure" and not be ready to look at another one. Just how long this takes varies from person to person. Some require as much time to grieve as if the person died. And don't even get me started on if their person actually does die!
Alternatively, polyamorous people stereotypically have a much shorter rebound curve. "There are other fish in the sea." IF they even need to not have a current relationship before they are open to another.
So, while it may seem that everyone that is into BDSM is also poly, that is not the fact. It's just... well, the squeaky hinge getting the lube.
If bloodletting isn't your thing, then you wouldn't let them reach for the chain flail or sharp flechettes.
If Dominance outside of the bedroom isn't your thing, then you wouldn't let yourself sign up for a 24/7 Master/slave Total Power Exchange.
If piss isn't your thing, then you wouldn't kneel down to be pissed on.
If poly isn't your thing, then it isn't your thing. Don't compromise that hard limit any more than you would compromise on any other hard limit.
And vice versa, if poly IS your thing, then be fucking honest about it rather than saying it isn't and then sneaking around and destroying the one thing that a relationship absolutely requires to be functional, be it D/s or "vanilla," be it Poly or Mono... Trust.
That's just my opinion. And I reserve the right to fuck up just as much as the next human crawling across this ball of rock looking for love or connection or kismet or whatever the fuck you want to call it during this brief dream between the portal of our birth and the portal of our death that we refer to as "life."
But, any row you choose to hoe, here's to the sun out of your eyes and the wind at your back for brighter horizons on the morrow. And bumper crops for you and those you choose to give a damn about.