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Sub Baby Love​(sub female)
4 days ago • Oct 12, 2024


Sub Baby Love​(sub female) • Oct 12, 2024
I didn’t realize how many fake Doms are on here. This sucks. Been on here for years. Kinda my own fault. Good luck everyone. Stay safe.
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chattel​(sub female)
3 days ago • Oct 12, 2024
chattel​(sub female) • Oct 12, 2024
A lot of wannabes for sure but not all. Unfortunately the wannabes seem more active
Rianai​(dom agender)
3 days ago • Oct 12, 2024
Rianai​(dom agender) • Oct 12, 2024
It seems to be the wsy now. No substance beyond "what do I want?" and "What's the quickest way to get it?"

I'm a Dominant and Master and I get so irritated at all the 'doms' prancing atound thinking they're all that because they can swing a toy...

Don't get me started on people who don't know the difference between Top/Dom... or those who are 'Masters' after 5 minutes of being online
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
3 days ago • Oct 12, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Oct 12, 2024
The ones who hurt are the ones who have learned how to tailor their online behaviour to reel a person in. Play the game just right, convince you that they're serious and understand the emotional import of ds connection...

.... And then you find they're stringing multiple people along as and when it suits. With absolutely no understanding of ds attachment. And with no intention of it being anything other than titillation and wank fodder for themselves.

It's like a Colosseum..... Bring in the next one, the next, the next... Conquest and entertainment.

So sad.
2 days ago • Oct 13, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Oct 13, 2024
It isn't just here, it's everywhere. I'm sure you can tell a fake easily when you meet one. I just don't respond anymore. The good ones are out there, though it may take some time to find them.
AlphaByDesign​(dom male)
2 days ago • Oct 13, 2024
AlphaByDesign​(dom male) • Oct 13, 2024
There are a lot of fake subs too. Generally speaking, when one makes constant references to 50 Shades of Grey, you’re talking to a pretender.
House Talion​(dom male)
2 days ago • Oct 13, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Oct 13, 2024
Not just here.
Of all sites atleast 90% are fakes or scammers.
Of the remaining most are either just for online, Windows without any intent to do anything besides take your money, ubber-doms that require submission before meeting, ppl just needing another way to get off, or ppl that are easily scared from any of this. Anyone remaining is probably within 0.0027%
Miki​(masochist female)
1 day ago • Oct 14, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 14, 2024
I don't have time for research so I won't cite percentages, but looking to meet someone online-- is rife with troubles. It has been since the frst "internet personals" came on the scene. It's at best a last resort for those with no other options.

Personally, if ever I wanted to meet someone to get to know and play with, I can find them right here in my local area.


... and as for broad-brushing male dominants just because genuine subs get their inboxes blown to pieces by butt-cracks----- Let's be fair.

(As posted above and I'm merely seconding the statement), there are more than a few slimy "subs" on BDSM and even mainstream "dating sites" who are either looking to stick their hands in someone's pockets or are looking to find some dude to make their lives into a little slice of heaven overnight.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 day ago • Oct 15, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Oct 15, 2024
Do you know the amount of time and effort it takes to come across as a fake dom?

My god it is exausting
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
1 day ago • Oct 15, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Oct 15, 2024
TopekaDom wrote:
Do you know the amount of time and effort it takes to come across as a fake dom?

My god it is exausting

Damn. You're good. You fooled me....

😉😁 X