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Age Is Just A Number

Knightsundere​(sub male)
1 month ago • Jul 18, 2024
Knightsundere​(sub male) • Jul 18, 2024
Number is less important than where someone is in life, but I tend to try and stick near my own age since, if you're within such lifestyles that partnership is forever, it wouldn't be super great to be alone for 20 years at the end of my life, lol.
fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected}
1 month ago • Jul 19, 2024
I gravitate to older and more experienced men. It is just a slight preference. Younger makes me less comfortable, it feels like an imbalance of power.

Although, I've met a couple of marvelous younger Doms with enough Dominance and maturity to make me forget about the age difference... (makes sense when I also forgot how to count a time or two.)

Either way it is likely the Dom will have more experience than me. Even if they are a bit younger... that good girl life kept me way too pure.
IronWorld​(sadist male)
1 month ago • Jul 19, 2024
IronWorld​(sadist male) • Jul 19, 2024
vv V vv wrote:
Anything below 18 is a felony, from 18 to ♾️ is just a number.

Age of consent laws are kinda interesting. 18 is the best rule wherever you go in the world. That'll keep you out of the most amount of trouble unless you go to the middle east, and honestly anyone who willingly goes there is just begging for trouble. 18 is only the rule of law in 10 of the 50 US states. In most states, it's 16. In Europe, in most of the continent, it's either 16 or 15. In South America, it's mostly 14. Japan, until recently, it was 13. In Vatican City, until atheists started point it out online, it was 12.

And if you haven't lost your lunch yet, back in 1871, the democrats in Delaware lowered the age of consent from 12 to 7. That law stayed on the books until the 1970's.

As for lambs' original post, It's entirely up to you and what your psychology allows in regards to the lifestyle. If it piques your interest, give it a shot. Worst case scenario, you have a fun time proving your hangups right. Best case scenario, you have an amazing time proving yourself wrong.
Steellover​(sub male)
1 month ago • Jul 19, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Jul 19, 2024
IronWorld wrote:
vv V vv wrote:
Anything below 18 is a felony, from 18 to ♾️ is just a number.

And if you haven't lost your lunch yet, back in 1871, the democrats in Delaware lowered the age of consent from 12 to 7. That law stayed on the books until the 1970's.


I wouldn't even get involved with an 18 year old at this point. Whatever the age of consent is, the liquor laws are 21 and over in the U.S. (for better or worse, and they are strictly enforced) and I would at least want to be able to take my partner out for drinks!
1 month ago • Jul 19, 2024
Ms MaryJane{NOT LOOKIN} • Jul 19, 2024
In the end, I feel it is all about personal preference. We all have our preferences (short, tall, slim, bbw/bhm, athletic, tattoos/piercings, smoker/nonsmoker, etc) which should be respected by people. I have had so many outside my age limits say age is just a number. Yes that it is true for YOU...but for me and others, we have age limits. People who try make you change what/who you are looking for/preferences to suit their needs/wants are definitely not people I want in my world.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jul 19, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 19, 2024
House Talion wrote:
17 and under will get you 20

I guess that varies by the sjurisdiction. In my state it is 16 for consent.

Of course if both are under-age it cancels out. Or it did for me long ago when I was 13 and the dude was 14.

No , age is just a number to people in denial about their age. Body parts start sagging and wrinkling... , Health issues tend to increase and hair goes gray.
Steellover​(sub male)
1 month ago • Jul 20, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Jul 20, 2024
In some jurisdictions, if one party is SLIGHTLY over the age of consent (say, 18-20) and the other is slightly under (we're talking 16 or 17), judges have an option to be lenient and charge both parties with a crime called "Fornication." This is a judge's discresion, and is a way for the older partner to avoid a much more serious sex offense, while acknowledging that the relationship was fully consensual.
1 month ago • Jul 20, 2024
lambsone • Jul 20, 2024
More interesting replies.
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 22, 2024
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Jul 22, 2024
When all is considered, I am looking for partners who are female presenting, possessed of macabre personality and morbid curiosity at least in the same category as my own, take care of themselves physically and mentally, are uninterested in legally binding marriage, are uninterested in children, understand and practice ethical non-monogamy (preferably polyamory), mesh with my odd character, and find me attractive. At a certain point, age becomes a debilitatingly shallow consideration (Strictly legally speaking, of course. Those laws exist for a good reason.)

If I start limiting by specific age (older or younger, doesn't matter to me), I might as well call it quits.
intenseoldman​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 22, 2024
intenseoldman​(dom male) • Jul 22, 2024
This is funny because I just got a scathing text from my 25 year old daughter because her brother and his wife told her about someone I've been talking to. My son was visiting with his wife and they came to my door unexpectedly. The window was down and they overheard... yeah... well they overheard. "What was that?" my son asked when I came to the door, so I just told him. I didn't know he'd go and tell his sister. Well she had some choice words for me. "Never would I imagine you stooping so low to dating someone my age" she said. Then she said if this is what I'm going to do... to count her and her family out of my life. I didn't reply and she apologized the next day.

I will say this. If there were a woman closer to my age range I was attracted to who was attracted to me, life would be easier, but I find most of those women attract younger men whom they prefer. Yeah... life has never been easy for me.

I've never gone out looking for a specific age or type of woman. I'm looking for love. I mean that hasn't always been the priority, and I have discovered it's a lot harder to find than just sex. If I find that in a women I'm attracted to closer to my age range then, I'm happy. If I find it in someone younger, I'm happy, too.

I'm actually glad this all happened with my daughter and the rest of my kids. It made me ask myself if I am going to let society or my own kids dictate to me who I can or can't love? Sorry kids. You love who you love. That's just life. They snuck out of the house, to be with their lovers whom I didn't like. They lied cheated and stole their way around me to be with who they wanted to be with. I got over it. If I wind up with someone younger, they will too.

To me, it's not age. It's energy. I mean, I sure a/f don't look like a young man anymore, but I guess the laws of attraction don't always apply. What makes up our drives and forms our "love objects" is very complicated and in the end, doesn't matter. You love who you love. I don't know who said it but it goes like "two people in love are a revolution" or something like that. If you find someone you can love, don't worry about how old or young they are, just love them. Be a revolution.