sunflowerbaby wrote:
I know this isnt bdsm related but does anyone have any advice tips tricks or life hacks to help with sleep
Thinking about it there's some BDSM tricks that can help. Especially when it comes to things like mindfucking, breaking, moulding, etc.
Unfortunately these tricks are only really effective with the aid of another person.
Let's start with some none BDSM tips. Sleep only when you're tired. I'm serious, the body knows best. At the same time lie in bed when you've been up for a while regardless. The body will take over. Don't try to dream, just think of fun things. Imagination. Work up a story in your head. Get caught up in it and at the very least you'll have a nice nap.
Thing is with things like work forcing you to go against your bodies nature (seriously, forcing yourself awake/to sleep IS going against nature) means you have to get into some kind of routine. But it simply can't be "forcing yourself to sleep whenever" (or wake up). You need to make the time to BE tired BEFORE sleep. So backtrack a bit. What comes BEFORE sleep? Solve what comes before and what comes after rectifies itself.
Staying awake, obviously. You have to be up for a while. But it's not just "time". It's also "energy". How much you're using or not when you're awake.
If you're up longer but haven't done much you'll probably be sleeping later. If you been up sooner but been active all day you'll probably want to crawl into bed.
Basically, get up sooner, do something that requires energy (computer games need focus and attention too. As does reading. Doesn't have to be physical). Sleep later.
If you're caught between your job and when to sleep for your health, prioritise health. It's simply not healthy to resort to forcing the body into situations long term. Especially when you get into your later years.