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Zedland​(dom male)
1 year ago • Feb 2, 2023


Zedland​(dom male) • Feb 2, 2023
A friend and I were talking recently and as things do the subject naturally turned to blowjobs. During the discussion the question of why some people spit instead of swallowing came up. Naturally I said obviously some people don't like the taste. To which it was pointed out that the cum is already in the mouth, the tasting is done and in fact the quickest method of disposal is to swallow like with any bitter medicine.

To that I had no counter and even now the best I can come up with is maybe that's just how someone learned to give a blowjob? So I was curious to get some other perspectives, experiences and opinions. Why spit?
GentleStrength​(dom male)
1 year ago • Feb 2, 2023
GentleStrength​(dom male) • Feb 2, 2023
I don't think I've ever gotten a blowjob where the girl spit it out. I seem to remember overhearing girls in high school talking about it and some of them objected to it. If I had to guess, its probably just a mental objection to the idea of it. Perhaps a fear of germs or bacteria. Also, some people have a serious aversion to anything involving bodily fluids. Hope this helps.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • Feb 3, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 3, 2023
Can't speak for the masses but I first saw BJs (porn) then wanted to try when I got "busy" with a date. It took getting used to and jizzum is an acquired taste to say the least, but I always swallowed.

But while in the process of servicing a dick I'd drool and slobber down my chin because that usually turns the guys on.

Once he shoots the wad I would roll it around my mouth, let some drop down my chin and onto me but the rest is a good swallow, which I made sure they saw me do.


Sorry if TMI--- I don't usually write so candidly these days but it was how I operated when active.
1 year ago • Feb 3, 2023
I'mME • Feb 3, 2023
It would depend upon the situation and the vibe. Hygiene can certainly play a factor, but I do hope I know this before I god down on a cock. Are they a stranger , bc there will be no flotsam to swallow, spit bc a condom would most likely be catching it if a blow job was an activity.

If the sucking of cock is a relationship, snowballing is a kink. Swapping mouth contents? ☺️😲

There may be some who like being told to do it, humiliation or not.

Maybe some people can't swallow, it may make them gag and puke. That is a thing too, not my thing but a thing. The puking .. 😝

Just a few thoughts that come to mind . Now I have that in my mind . 🙄
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1 year ago • Feb 5, 2023
HurtSoGood • Feb 5, 2023
I, personally, have an aversion to spitting altogether unless it serves a purpose, i.e. when brushing your teeth. I have never seen a purpose being served by spitting over swallowing. If I didn’t want it in my mouth for germs purposes etc. then there are plenty of other places for cum to land besides my mouth. But that’s just my preference.
LatexHer​(dom male)
1 year ago • Feb 5, 2023
LatexHer​(dom male) • Feb 5, 2023
I did have one woman some years ago who clandestinely allowed my cum to leak out of her mouth without looking as if she spit it out! Since I always Later I asked her why she would do such a thing since we men enjoy a lady's throat as she swallows - she said it was the taste. I retorted and asked her what the difference is between a man going down to provide pleasure for the woman and swallowing her juices. She agreed and did a much better job just to prove that she could icon_smile.gif
tallslenderguy​(other male)
1 year ago • Feb 6, 2023
i grew up knowing i am gay, a total bottom and a cocksucker. i can trace my crushes and attraction to guys to 7 years old. Alas, i grew up in a religious culture and consequently tried to suppress my nature... (lol, sorry straight folk, i know this all may sound schmarmy to those who don't relate, but this is as real as real can be for me, nothing contrived or 'role play' will do for me)

Suppression, of course, didn't work, and nature eventually won. i gave my first BJ at age 27. It was, ironically, given to a crew member on a missionary ship that was in port for repairs, i was a volunteer and they bunked me in with a crew member ("Skip") for the night. The berth was tiny and dark, with only the dim light from the port hole to give a dark, shadowy atmosphere. i had been in my bunk for some time when Skip came in. He didn't turn on the lights and went to His bunk about 4 feet away. He laid down, and over the course of what seemed hours, we played a silent Cat and mouse game. Neither of us could see more than shadows, but i sensed Him masturbating, and i returned mouth sounds. Finally, i could stand it no longer, and a lifetime of want and need got me up and over to His bunk. No words passed between us, but He offered me His Cock, and i took it like a starving guy.

It didn't take Him long to climax a lot of semen, but it never occurred to me to do anything other than swallow, and never has sense. Sex with a Man, no matter the form it takes, has never been a strictly physical act, and that has only deepened over my lifetime. For me, a Mans seed is a part of Himself that He plants in me, and i am a garden made for a Man. For me, the whole act of receiving a Mans penetration, Him fucking or me sucking, His orgasm, then seed, are all profound and important components of my connection and bonding to Him. His seed is part of the 'glue' that bonds me to Him, so the thought of spitting His seed out is counter intuitive at best, abhorrent at worst. No matter how i receive a Mans seed, i crave that as part of my connection with Him and always want to retain and absorb it, it's a form of impregnation for me, which seems the primal purpose of Him penetrating and seeding me in the first place.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
1 year ago • Feb 6, 2023
When i originally saw the title to this thread, i didn't realize that "spitting" was going to be about spitting out semen.

I thought it was gonna be about spit and spitting. i've encountered some of this, and don't have a connecting place in me to spit (the i have experienced).

i was at a clothes optional gay resort (everyone is naked lol) a few years ago, and was talking to a Man. He told me He wanted to spit in my mouth. Spit turns me off, but then, anything i perceive as mean, force, bullying or violence, shuts me down fast (not a criticism, just me). i suspect that is from a long childhood of dealing with bullies? When i look at those experiences retrospectively, i have a sense that many of the bullies i encountered, were possibly young gay/dom guys who hadn't accepted their self or matured , hey, we were kids. Sort of like the young boy who has a crush on a young girl, so he hits her, because he doesn't know what to do with his feelings yet. sorry, rabbit trail

So, this Man asks/wants to spit in my mouth, and i say "no, not into that." He nods then proceeded to spit on His cock and offer it to me, and i was immediately on my knees sucking Him. i still am not into spit, but He did find a work around lol.
1 year ago • Feb 6, 2023
Bunnie • Feb 6, 2023
To me it just seems that the mindset has shifted a lot. I remember when I was younger the “oddities” were those who chose to swallow… it being more common to spit into something like a tissue. My guess is it was considered to be more “modest” to spit. It now definitely seems to be more common to swallow.
1 year ago • Feb 6, 2023
HurtSoGood • Feb 6, 2023
Bunnie wrote:
To me it just seems that the mindset has shifted a lot. I remember when I was younger the “oddities” were those who chose to swallow… it being more common to spit into something like a tissue. My guess is it was considered to be more “modest” to spit. It now definitely seems to be more common to swallow.

Now, this I could see making sense….thank you for that. 😊