dollMaker(dom male)
6 years ago •
Sep 12, 2018
6 years ago •
Sep 12, 2018
As I said to you in the lobby in my view you should not approach any subs looking to play with them. I know many will criticise me for saying that but you must, repeat must learn about bdsm, and the things you are interested in first before you try them out on a sub who its more than likely you might hurt either physically or emotionally.
BDSM is a fun activity if done safely and with knowledge, done without those and even the most on the face of it simple things could result in injury to the person, and not just an injury that fades in a day but injury that could last months, years or even their whole life.
I have heard some liken BDSM to extreme sports or highly advanced driving, and lets be frank here, no one but a complete idiot would try any of those activities without learning and getting training in them first. The problem with BDSM is its tied in with sex (after all everyone thinks that easy to do), and while much BDSM occurs in a sexual context, much doesn't and the issue here is that very few reading BDSM erotica, watching a BDSM themed film or porn are able to see the dangers in what they have read or watched, after all that doesn't make for nice titillation, or wank fodder, to get a blow by blow guide to how to safely do rope bondage, spank, use a whip, floggers, cane and whatever other thing was seen or read about before getting down to seeing the money shots. I get these things often create the spark to have ago, I would like to try that thoughts. Here is the thing though, erotic films, porn and erotic books, manga, comics are not real life, and much in them can only be done safely, if at all, by highly trainined, many years experienced performers.
Please start researching BDSM, read books, watch educational how to videos on You Tube or where ever else they can be found, and along side this attend physical world educational courses, workshops and get hands on, one on one training. Learning off online material will only take you so far, you really need the physical world training experience as well. Its easy in this day and age to think online will do it all, but there is no substitute for talking with someone and actually seeing the things done in front of you, trying and getting immediate feedback.
By going to training events, workshops you will also make friends in the community where you are, get to know people and people will as a result often offer help and other opportunities will open up to you, and some of those will be to meet submissives. I would also say that socialising and making friends is something worth doing and going to munchs - vanilla setting meets with food and chat, where kinky folks get together.
Once you get training, and good at those things, (I would also caution against trying to do too much early on. Keep it very simple, only pick a few things you are interested in and learn those skills first, then progress from there to more complicated things), you should be safe enough to do some simple play scenes. Of course there is a temptation to try and do it all, dom frenzy, and get a sub super quick. Please don't, take your time and learn to be safe first. Please don't hurt or abuse anyone. Please be willing to learn, be humble in your learning, honest in your ignorance and, please be a decent caring human.
What I strongly urge you and anyone else who has no experience or knowledge in BDSM is do not, repeat do not just have ago, or view a sub as a test bench upon which to experiment, and learn. Subs and everyone else involved in this are human beings first and deserve respect, care and not being put in a position of being hurt or abused.
Of course you are free to ignore this well mean't advice but I hope sincerely you don't, make friends with doms and subs, but please leave playing and more until you know how to be SAFE in what you hope, desire to do.
Last edited by * on Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total