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Witch's musings

A place for me to share the inner workings of my twisted mind and plans to rule the world.
1 month ago. September 10, 2024 at 2:31 PM

What if... Eden never stopped existing?

What is it's here, now, but the church, the government, the people in charge of power and wealth, created a story to make you believe that there's something wrong with the most beautiful, powerful, ecstatic energy available to you on earth, right here, right now, in your body, whenever you want it?

What if, in order to control you, someone told you not to masturbate, to SHUT OFF your creative (sex energy is creative) power... 🤔

Listen, I believe Jesus was the greatest man to ever walk the planet. Buddha, The Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, the lady who wrote ACIM... also amazing humans. All attempting (and possibly even able to) to channel the spirit of goddess/ creator/ maker for us to understand it... Problem is... We don't actually understand what these enlightened people are saying 🙄🤦‍♀️

What if, by making it bad and wrong, we ourselves PERVERTED it.

If it wasn't bad. And wasn't shameful. Between consenting adults and ourselves and our creator, then the taboo would be erased, along with the cultural perversion.

[I also understand this is also a HUGE CULTURAL ISSUE, and that some ridiculously high number of children are incestuously raped/molested. 😭 There are so many trauma survivors. (But this is a separate topic).]

Here's the CRAZY part:
If you personally decided to stop shaming yourself, your body, your sexuality, your nudity, (and imagining what others are thinking of you - which is really just self- judgment) we would be halfway to Eden. If you personally decided to stop shaming and judging others bodies, sexuality, sensuality, power... We would be all the way there. 🤔

Up to you 🤷
Who wants to join me in the recreation of Eden?

Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Sometimes acceptance of self is much harder than acceptance of others.
1 month ago
Steellover​(sub male) - As a follower of the teachings of Christ, I tend to label myself as "A follower of the Teachings of Christ" rather than a "Christian" because of the negative connotations associated with the word- all because many (though not all!) self- described Christians believe in an ideology that is not only dark, divisive, and oppressive, but in many cases, directly contradicts what Jesus Himself taught. Especially these days... But I agree with everything you post- it is a great post by the way- sexuality is a gift and a part of yourself, to be embraced rather than supressed.
1 month ago
I'mME - @Steellover,

It's religion, the building where God is supposed to live, the everything but God that goes on, the profit preaching, etc.

1 month ago
I'mME - Great writing. I have never thought God judged us for things like kink.
1 month ago

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