I guess my body finally had enough. I climbed in bed last night without meditating and sent out an email and maybe a message but I really dont remember. I dont even remember closing my eyes. I woke up like I always do or so I thought. My phone on my chest. I looked at the time and it was 4:30 am.
Well crap I fell asleep and slept the whole night. I didnt move an inch. So now I'm awake the smell of coffee in the air, god I love the automatic timer. Cuddled up under my blankets I get a message that makes me smile, the ideas are floating around in my head, I'm plotting a story and the ideas are spinning away.
2 more days of work thank god, hopefully next week will calm down finally and maybe I can get back to my stories. I love the writing but with work it's been so many ideas and I cant lock one down. It's crazy when there is clarity in the chaos but you have to fight your way to get to what you want.
Keep writing, keep learning, most of all keep on traveling your path no matter what crazy gets in the way!
4 years ago. March 5, 2020 at 1:15 PM