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A Demi in Isolation

Whimsical thoughts. Never wrong and never right. Not an artist or a writer by any stretch of the imagination. I am just, me. I have stopped questioning it.
3 years ago. March 8, 2021 at 10:01 PM


What does it mean to need someone in your life? I have few, like 2 or 3 few, close friends, so I am asking. I do not like the female thought process.  Now before you get offended... have you forgot that I am also a female. I dont dislike my gender, I respect women and our world is better with them in it. They contribute in amazing and passionate way. I, however, am a business minded and analytical thinker,  I play video games in my spare time and prefer to have philosophical conversations over things of personal importance.  I do not like humanistic interactions (psychological term here: ) with friends, so I have few, I understand this. 


Even more so, I have very few male friends. If the reason isn't obvious, allow me to further trigger you. I am an attractive female, most men (heterosexual, bi or other) want to talk to people and at least think in their mind that they could be attracted to this person, that they could "Win" some affection for their own self gratuity. That it is worth talking to them because "Hey who knows". I loathe relationships where someone is using me for their internal monologue. I do not consent.  My Demi mind finds you vulgar. 


Now that we have a little context on why I choose to not have much of a circle, I can move into the topic on my mind.


Needing someone in your life. 


I find it unfortunate that we can't need someone in our lives for what they bring, but only what they bring. So much has gotten skewed, misconstrued,  that we need much from everyone, and as soon as they start providing us that one something we sought them out for, we want to start offering them other things, things that maybe they didn't ask for; or maybe we assumed they wanted.


I am talking sex. Why is sex and physicality the one thing we think needs to be sprinkled on everything? The MSG of life. When did our physical reactions become so uncontrollable that as soon as we start respecting someone, getting connected to them, start talking about sex, it becomes something we just can't help but want to add? Or expect?


"Well, what a great hockey game and you made such good food and we laughed for like an hour... we should do the sex now"




I am monogamous, I am just reminding readers, because it might get a little biased here. If you know me, and I know you,  you will know this is not an a attack; but I am nothing if not overly sensitive to my complete lack of sensitivity... I wonder why poly need different experiences from all their partners, but then still sexualize it all. Couldn't it just be you need this from one, that from another... but why do you need to sprinkle sex everywhere? Why does having a friend who is like a mother to you,  now make you non-monoganist? Because when it gets there and you feel super emotional,  you want to turn it into a sexual atmosphere? Why? Because you can? When did a correlation from feeling good, loved, cherished, become sexualized? I know you are probably saying "With Freud, duh", but shouldn't that be, in itself, a reason to know you don't have to "catch arousing feelings" from every feeling you catch. That things can exist outside "Let's sprinkle some sex on here" spoiler, it usually isn't even that good. Fantasy, meet Reality... that's another blog. 


That is something I envy about Asexual people, being Demi, I have some of it, that I really have no problem being held, touched, loved, non sexually. I may (or may not be) autistic,  so if sex was never part of what I needed from you initially,  it will never turn into that.  Part of the reason I like contracts so much: everything started, we are exactly where we want to be without a surprise moment of sexual tension. Why is the physicality of it always combined with the sexual component? "Oh, I must need to give this person, or add them to the list of Boneables because my arousal somatic system says so."


It stops me in my tracks from meeting people. I rarely meet people that wouldn't be "open" to sleeping with me... and it prevents me from even engaging. Even when things start as just 2 people... Women or Men. Maybe it is empath, maybe it is what some "free birds" would call "natural" and I am just vehemently denying who I was "meant to be". Either way, it saddens me that I both avoid people for the inevitable miscaracterization of what you mean to me, or put time into something and can't be at my best because I am constantly waiting for the shoe to drop.


I will close by saying I do not want to not be who I am. (Mouthful of double negatives, you're welcome) I am eternally fulfilled with one person whom I give all. I believe you can be yourself,  if you aren't today,  then someday; I just have my moments where I am plagued by wanting to reach out to someone, let them know they resonated with me in some way. Imagine how amazing they are as people and what their life must look like,  but I indefinitely hesitate, I have been trained to, because my presence is either not enough, or to much... and it has time and time again morphed into wanting something that was never on the table, creating havoc in my world as I try and mitigate something that I never wanted to promote in others. Trying to navigate deniable subtleties. Call it anxiety, incorrect assumptions, but you can't fool me.


I suppose I am getting better and better at communicating that with people. I just suppose I still do not understand why people feel the need to need more than they ever needed from one particular person and why that has to always evolve to thinking a sexual addition, or any addition, is the answer. 


If my ramblings leave you with anything, I want you to know, if you have never heard from me aside from comments, that I think what you offer today is enough. I think you are such a collection of interesting and awe inspiring things,  I just can't tell you that, because I don't want everything else, I just Need that part of You in My Life.



MelMell​(dom female) - I’ve dealt with a desire to “need” someone at times and frankly I don’t understand it. I have very few people(like you) that I consider my friends. I don’t always talk to them but when I do it’s like no time has passed. I have never truly craved friendship and companionship they same way other people have. I’ve always found my own company to be much better that other people’s.
But at times I can’t help wanting someone. I see other people interact with their million friends and having them ask how they are doing and things like that and it fills me with yearning. Yet at the same time I find thy to be disconcerting. I’ve never wanted or needed people and I have made the decision of having very few friends myself. If I wanted more friends I could for sure have them and talk more with them.
I have found throughout the years I prefer male friends. Yes, they will at first pursue me for a sexual attraction but as long as I very firmly tell them no, they won’t bother me at all. Women, I’ve found, are annoying friends as it’s happened that their crush or boyfriend isn’t committed enough and desires me instead of them. I don’t need the jealousy bs and drama when I’m not doing anything.
As for the sexual part you speak of... if I don’t want anything sexual with another person, they will not push. My more dominant side comes through when I say no and rarely is anyone stupid enough to keep trying and if they are... well they deserve the way I will make them feel about themselves.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Always eases my mind talking to other INTPs, makes me feel less insane. Thank you!
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - If you are insane, so am I 😂 I completely understand the logical mind and frankly, more often than not I consider myself asexual. Until I see someone or something that gets my horny side going *cough cough*
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Haha! Same! I am also capable of laying down the law when people ask (call it my Alpha side) the thing is, it makes me feel like I led them on somehow, or that their entire facade was just leading to this inevitable moment where they "casually" breach the subject of sex... though it is usually way more forward and unannounced than that... which also just conditions me to hesitate in the field place. Uugh! The world is rough.
3 years ago
MelMell​(dom female) - I don’t feel like I’m leading anyone on. I very fast tell them what I want or not. If they don’t like it... well I don’t particularly care. After many years of online gaming and many many assholes, I learned to be extremely cold hearted
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Oh no! I hope that is not the only option. But I have been very cold hearted when people don't understand words and still insist that "maybe" and try to stay friends so they can wait for their next opening. Maybe that is in my head, but I usually just have to sever ties at that point.
3 years ago
CSI - Nailed it!! So very very much
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Thank you CSI 💜💚💜💚
3 years ago
Bunnie - Well said.
As for the capabilities of loving more than one, in a non-sexual way, that’s probably what has prevented me from considering myself poly (even though I’m in an ENM dynamic). I hadn’t noticed that it was because people do attach a sexual component to everything. It’s off-putting to me also. I don’t believe that all love has to be sexual (parents with more than one child are a perfect example of that).

I have had a few very deep bonds (that I do consider a form of love) with people I have played with in the BDSM community that involved no sexual aspects at all... in fact that’s the only way I’ve played with anyone, bar one person. For me it’s simply about fun and connection. Physical arousal occurred at times of course, because, well, our body has natural responses to any form of stimulation. However, what I love about those I moved in circles with, was that we had enough awareness to recognise that not every physical impulse needs to be seen as anything “more.”

Something else to think about, that arose for me around the time of thinking about all of this in my journey, was wondering if that means that gender actually matters, in regards to connection and Dominance. If everything is not sexual, why only male (or female) Dominants? Anyway, I’m rambling lol.
Great blog, thank you.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - You are so very lucky to have seen what that can look like. Also, I totally agree. I am a huge proponent of everyone can be anything, or love anyone, while at the same time knowing I am completely heterosexual. What other explanation can there be that is it just a non sexual emotion, unfortunately, the other side also has to be aware of that. >.<
3 years ago
Virginie​(sub female){lcpw} - I didn’t know you were an INTP as well, not that I think it matters to me anymore but neither does astrology and I’ll still go on about that. Just a thought. Say what you wish to say. You don’t have to stick around for how it’s interpreted, and frankly it’s not necessarily your business. Let it out. Good, bad, beautiful- and unless you’re sure of someone- end the interaction. Needing averted ;)
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - I will take that to heart, for sure! I get stuck in my head because I have watched people take zero responsibility for how someone reacts to them, all the while they were leading them on. So they were very much to blame, and they got the outcome they were after, which just breeds that positive reinforcement to repeat the behavior, so I am overly diligent in not wanting that outcome... to the point I don't engage... so complex and infuriating. Lol. Thank you!
3 years ago
Virginie​(sub female){lcpw} - Yes it’s important that the agenda stays neutral and hopefully complimentary. Short-term all the way. There are tricks for longer term but I’m not writing them here lol ‘tricks and tips to weave in and out of human lives causing minimal damage, maximum light- and not catching a case of the *I wanna fuck you’s* from anyone’ lolol
3 years ago
Bunnie - Comment deleted by poster.
3 years ago
Bunnie - Welcome to my world :D I think you just summed up my philosophy lol.
3 years ago
DaddyDrago​(dom male){LilAmethys} - Lack of personal self-control?
Lack of personal awareness of authentic needs? Or, honestly, maybe that is what others do need? I am of the opinion that the drive within us physiologically to want to "get it on" is a lot less about the act than the drive behind that act. For many it is a co-dependency (I only express that because I have witnessed and lived that personally). For others it may also be a desire to connect on a deep emotional level and the closest they know how to create such a space in their awareness is through the oftentimes 'spiritual' act of two bodies merging (again, I have made this mistake). Overall I believe that sex is predominately used to fill a deeper need within us that we are not meeting within ourselves. Looking without for a placebo or fix for that which we do not understand or see within. Self-awareness often aids in our understanding here. This is why I feel women especially, appear to be more intune with their desire, passion and carnality than most men............because women tend to be more honest about being driven by their emotions and therefore at the outside at least come across as more aware of their true needs or why they need the physical in the first place. Men, as the saying goes, have and are more driven so it seems by their 'other head' without employing any common sense or understanding. The 'desire' is often born (or has been for me) from a want to fulfill something within myself that I 'believed' sex would grant me.......either within the act or as an after effect of the act (ie: change in relationship status, deeper connection et cetera).
Add on top of all of that some people are just senses based. Moved by their senses. They are not moved by their gut, intuition or feelings on a core level. What they see they like they want. It is as simple as that for some.
As someone who was basically a man-whore when I was a teenager I came to realize how hollow sex could be. It never measured up because it was not the depth and connectivity I was seeking. Truly, even when I found the depth of connectivity it was more about the peace of connecting with myself. What brought me true contentment within? Was it the act of sex? Or, is it about the reason why I would choose to do so? Why do I choose to do so?
Hence, for ME, why I am fiercely monogamous. What I expend emotionally I do not have the capacity or desire to expend to others save my one.
I have had to wade through the myriad of cleavage and other sundry pics being sent my way (by men and women) because I piqued something within others that they felt they thought I would want a piece of???? Or, in the scene if I am a kinkster then surely I must want to get it on with as many play partners as possible. Honestly, part of the reason why I quit topping was because it became just as hollow as casual sex had become. It served nothing within me. It seemed to fulfill others, I can appreciate that, it just came to make me feel dirty. Because I was betraying myself. My own sense of need and desire. I was fulfilling a role others wanted me to be, though it never was me. A lesson I simply had to walk through to learn.
As an extreme introvert it is a blessing to be completely fulfilled and happy all alone!! I am good with myself. As you expressed, keeping your circle EXTREMELY small. Because the types of connections that can be had on a reciprocal and respectful intelligence level where someone does not want something from you beyond just you is exceedingly rare.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - I do have strong inclinations that are very in tuned to what you said, that it is someone's inherent need for something within themselves that has them seeking "acceptance" from another they connect with in the most basic forms. But I didn't say it! You did!!! So thank you so much!
3 years ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - Brings to Mind C.S. Lewis and his complaint of the over simplification of the words of love, in the 1950s. With out a full vocabulary, like any incomplete tool set, getting things done become next to impossible, from understanding self, and the interaction others, to understanding what ones feelings really are.
2 years ago

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