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My journey

On my growth
4 years ago. September 8, 2020 at 10:17 AM

Well this is the first time my blog has been reported in over a year of writing... I am questioning being here right now.   I have done nothing but share things about myself and try to encourage others to be more confident.  Maybe it's time for me to leave..... 



4 years ago. September 6, 2020 at 11:06 PM


How many of you agree?


Have a great day cage friends 💜



4 years ago. September 6, 2020 at 8:39 PM

The moment you realize it was all about control... And that there isn't much more to say about it. 



4 years ago. September 3, 2020 at 1:52 AM

No matter what... Don't give up on what you feel is true and right for you.  Deep within, we all know, when we meet the "right" person they are worth fighting for. They are worth everything.  They hold the key to your heart.   Your soul.  They feel your submission or you feel your submission is theirs and theirs only.  When you meet that right one, you will know. Hold on. Believe.. And trust.


Hope all of you have a great day cage friends -



4 years ago. September 1, 2020 at 11:39 PM


Trust is so important.  Whether I am able to give my submission depends on many things but the biggest thing is Trust.  The level of trust I have with the one I love is stronger than the level of trust I have ever had with anyone in my life.  Feeling safe...knowing I can share anything, knowing I can trust to do no harm to me... These things mean so much to me.


I hope that all of you see trust at this importance level as well.  Not only is important for subs to feel they can trust, but for Doms as well.  Trust must go both ways and both must feel it in order for it to work. 


Have a great day cage friends 



4 years ago. September 1, 2020 at 3:08 AM

     On a busy day, I often find myself thinking a little less. But when the end of the day rolls around and things finally start to settle down, thinking begins.  Thoughts flow even more intensely than on a less busy day. 

     As I lay back, some of my thoughts right now are.. Wow, that was a stressful day, glad it's over.  I think about how really blessed I am to have the things I have, about the lessons life has been teaching me.   I think about what is important to me, and who is important.   My last thought for the night before I close my eyes will be about a person I care for deeply.    The thoughts make me feel content and happy and I will sleep well, knowing he is in my life.

Time for some rest :) 


Hope all of you had a great day cage friends. 





4 years ago. August 31, 2020 at 2:17 AM



4 years ago. August 30, 2020 at 12:26 AM


❤️ Ds ❤️

4 years ago. August 29, 2020 at 1:07 AM

     Some say, follow your heart.. Others say listen to what your mind is telling you.  Which is correct?   I struggle with this cage friends, a lot.   My heart often tells me you belong here... Or do this..  But my head says, NO! Absolutely not!   There are of course times, when both tell me the same thing, but the times when they don't match up are the most difficult.    Sounds crazy, right?   It's really not.   Many people experience this and usually when they are unsure about something, this is probably why.  The heart says one thing.. And the mind says another.   

     Technically speaking, we are talking about two areas of the brain here (although there are others) .  There is the cerebral cortex part of the brain.  It is responsible for memories (ie, dates, knowledge, etc).  Then, there is then limbic part of our brain. This part is responsible for our emotions.  It allows us to make decisions basically because we have a good feeling in our gut.    The limbic part of our brain is the part makes us succeed /fail in life. The cerebral part helps us in school work/ tests etc.     

      It is impossible to analyze in detail every situation you will encounter... Life is unpredictable.  You need to rely on your gut. Right?   

So should we not listen to our hearts (limbic part of brain /gut)? 

What do you think cage friends? 





4 years ago. August 28, 2020 at 10:17 PM

     I had inspiration to write tonight and had a poem finished.   But unfortunately, a message came in and my screen froze up and it didn't save in the blog, so I lost it.  Ever have that happen and lose your complete train of thought?  Lol, yeah. That was me this evening. So instead, I leave you with this cage buddies (which has nothing to do with my original post Btw, but something I ran across some time ago..


Have a great day cage friends, 
