Truth is something based on facts that have been proven over time with science, math, history, experiments. Water boils at 212 degrees, water weighs 8.34 lbs per gallon, pissing off a woman is as easy as telling her a lie. So not telling the truth is a deception to make the perception you or something is better than it appears. So why do people tell lies and deceive others for their own personal gain or to obtain something or someone they otherwise wouldn't be able to. Many reasons for this, lack of lack of self esteem, lack of self confidence, lack of physical attributes, lack of financial standing, list goes on. So why do it here, seems it's easier to lie over the internet than to someone face, but don't get me wrong those. that lie will just as well do it in person if given the chance. Here's the main motive I have seen here is Pussy flat out sex why you ask because who in their right fucking mind lies to find love, or their soulmate, nobody that I know of. What's the main thing a submissive gives her dominate, her trust because he's supposed to be honest in his intentions of protecting her, not lie because he wants some Pussy and feel in control for the moment.Yes dom's this is aimed at you, all the little self righteous wannabes that haven't got the balls to tell the fucking truth so you can get your dick wet and brag about how much of a fucking man you are. Trust me when I say yes women can be a pain in the ass and some rank the words bitches and a few cunt's but look at the facts of how many subs bitch about fake dom's here over the dom's bitching about subs, you get a pretty clear picture of where the problem lies. So how hard is it to tell the truth, not hard at all, saying goes telling the truth is easier than remembering all the lies, so dom's, masters, whatever title you choose quit giving false information or as our president likes to say fake news, quit being deceptive with what you tell your new potential sub because it will turn around and bite you in the ass one day and you will be the only one to blame for your stupidity. I never lied once to my lioness, she knew how much money I made, what my house looked like, all about both my ex wives, all about my health issues, all about my past so it never was a surprise, knew about my wants in the bedroom, knew how big my cock was I told her, she saw it when she visited so nothing to hide, no disappointment, yes ladies she is quite happy with it. Telling the truth is not a difficult thing to do, telling lies or deceiving someone takes time and effort and if you have that much time and effort than maybe you should spend it on fixing yourself and your flaws and faults before taking the time to find someone who doesn't have the time to waste on your fucking bullshit. One last thing, for all you lying, deceitful, little fuck tards out there just remember this all those beautiful subs that you didn't get well all of us truthful dom's are enjoying every inch, every curve, every submissive thing they do for us while your holding your own cock and fantasizing about someone you'll never fucking have while pulling your own pud. LMFAO Stupid is as Stupid does, make a note douche bags actually learn the proper fucking way to treat a beautiful submissive woman and you might not be alone anymore. Steps down for my soap box and goes to do some lioness training, Lucky fucking ME. To all I wish a wonderful day, I hope you find your special someone. Big Hug from LION
4 years ago. June 25, 2020 at 1:00 PM