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I'm not much of a blogger so I have no clue what will come out of my mouth!!
3 years ago. October 26, 2020 at 5:06 PM

Credit given to Alpha Wolfe. 


“So, I've been trying to think of ways to engage the cage a bit more. Chat to more people and such. 

I was reminded today of an old thing people used to do, or maybe they still do, called AMA (Ask me anything). 

So here's my idea. You (whoever you are) can ask me three questions. As general or as specific as you want. I'll do my best to answer all, but if it's something I reaaaallllyyyy don't wanna answer, I hope you'll understand. Open to comments or messages.

Maybe even keep this idea going and do your own AMA.”


This is actually pretty neat! Thank you Alpha Wolfe for starting this!!

Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - 1. What animal do you think most represents who you are and why?

2. What is your favorite dessert, type and flavor if applicable?

3. What was your first sex toy (first sex toy used on another person if none), and anything funny and/or embarrassing about the first use if you wish to elaborate 😜?
3 years ago
proudbbw - 1) hmm.. im really not sure cuz I've never thought about it. Im gonna say a dog because I'm a very loyal companion, and I put no other human is higher than the one im with.
2) I dnt really have a favorite dessert cuz I don't eat sweets hardly, but I would have to go with the good ol fashion rootbeer float with homemade vanilla ice cream and A&W rootbeer.
3) toy... hmmm its been years lol... I honestly can't remember what it was exactly, other than just a cheap vibrator tht I found at a sex shop cuz I was too nervous to get anything worth much, not knowing how it was going to feel or if I was going to like fake... ooo.. and it was pink, lol
3 years ago
Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - Ohhhhh I haven't had a rootbeer float in forever ... now I want one. Thanks for responding 💕
3 years ago
proudbbw - No problem lol
3 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - A&W is the best
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Oh root beer float is fantastic! Though I'm a Barqs fan.
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - 1. What is the story with the green heels?
2. Are your eyes your own favourite feature?
3. Did you ever go to Busch's Grove in Ladue/Kirkwood? ( the restaurant not the wellness centre or grocery store. Bonus points if you went before 2002 when Lester Miller took it over)
3 years ago
proudbbw - 1) oh the green heels.. lol. I got them several years ago to go with a Halloween costume I had origionally, and then when I got them, I decided I liked them too much just to sit in my closet so they became a part of the lifestyle with me.
2) yes, absolutely. I love my eyes.
3) unfortunately, no I haven't
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - Thank you for sharing! I was actually originally from Missouri, that's why #3 ♡
3 years ago
proudbbw - Very nice. What part?
3 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - Only 1
Have you ever had a root beer float from an A&W?
3 years ago
proudbbw - Unfortunately not yet... but I plan to soon
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - What is your favorite physical feature on a partner?
How many times have you read your favorite book, or watched your favorite movie?
If you could only bring one thing with you when you moved, what would it be?
3 years ago
proudbbw - 1) favorite feature would have to be eyes and personality
2) o gosh... I can't even count the number of times for either, but it's been ALOT
3) And hmmm... only one thing... im assuming u mean other than pets or humans lol... I would have to say my box of sentimental values like photos and stuff cuz everything else can be replaced.
3 years ago
mandii​(sub female) - It doesnt let me message you anymore. I wont do the premium. But i missed you!! Hope all is well!!
3 years ago
proudbbw - I miss u too girl... where u been??? I canceled premium while things r free but catch me in chat and ill give other methods to reach me girl
3 years ago
mandii​(sub female) - Took a break after Mason abandoned me. Ill tell you more. Ill be on chat in about 5hours!!
3 years ago

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