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Musings of a Dom .... D/s relationships through the eyes of a Dom

4 years ago. July 19, 2019 at 9:00 PM



Pristine blossoms of honeysuckle beckon him…

their soft sultry scent carried 

on the back of a summer breeze

delivering tantalizing sensual fragrances


Cascading blossoms swell and sway 

on moistening ivory towers.. 

Hands ... sliding ... gliding ... striding, 

between supple roots of delicate flowers.

Primordial urges pulsate, engorged 

with seeds of sexual arousal.

Nimble fingers stroke, tease, tantalize.

Effortlessly, succulent petals open

Spreading, yielding, to his majestic touch. 

enslaving it with his hungry mouth,

a skillful tongue delves in

prodding, probing, penetrating 


Coiling and exploring, slowly trailing 

along the fleshy stem of his desire.

Glistening dew, of sweet nectar oozes, 

He licks every droplet of this…

Elixir of the Gods!


*This was inspired by a blog post, viewed from a different perspective 🌹

boofygurl​(sub female){Taken} - Beautifully written!!
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Thank you 🌹
4 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - WW... Each blog you post, whether pictures, your poetry, or a combination of both? They Are just spectacular!!! Thanks for always sharing such beautiful imagery ❤️
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Thank you for your kind words, and for always stopping by !🌹
4 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - I love flowers although that could look like a tongue or ball sack , well at least for me. Guess we know where my mind is.
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Your mind went exactly where I intended it to go. I chose that flower Because it looks like a tongue 👅
4 years ago
venia​(sub female){Lextelonis} - Thank you for the beautiful ride. 💜
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Anytime 🌹
4 years ago
Thecharmedmuse​(switch female){My Wildman} - Love the imagery ❤️
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Thank you 🌹
4 years ago

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