Last night was one of the roughest nights in a long time. My husband is in the 3rd stage of kidney disease. He needs dialysis but refuses, so it hit a critical level last night. Last night his kidneys started to actually shut down, when your kidneys stop working toxins build up in your body. You go crazy, nothing makes sense, you think things are happening that are not. Most importantly you don't think anything is wrong. He is not able to get a kidney transplant, so it means dialysis for the rest of his life.
So back to the nightmare of last night, I had been trying to call him, make sure he was okay but he wasn't answering. Due to his health, I still have a key to the house, so I went over to check on him. To my surprise one of his ex-junkie g/f was at his house, now she was supposed to be clean but I could clearly see she had been taking his pain medication. The first thing she said "why are you here", my response "this is my house, he is my husband you have no business in this conversation". Which all of his little 25yr old g/f have an issue with but I don't give a fuck...They all leave him sick sometimes in need of medical attention without telling anyone. I can name several times I checked on him that they left him needing medical attention. So sorry little girls, that is the house I lived in for 10yrs and I need to make sure he is okay.
Clearly, he was not in his right mind, he was tearing up the house "looking for a letter". This is a common thing when his levels are off, so right away I started to try to get him to seek medical treatment. At which time this little girl starts yelling, I have had enough of this shit, the last time she was there she robed him. That was the wrong thing to do, I let her know if she didn't shut up I would be forcibly removing her from the property. After a lot of screaming from her, me to him, him to her I realized he wasn't going to let me help him. He didn't understand something was wrong.
I had to leave, knowing he was going to get worse, that she wouldn't help him. I came home and cried my eyes out til I went to bed. When it hit a critical level I did get a phone call and was able to get him help. Having to watch that without being able to do anything god that was hard.
I used the resources available to us to prevent this in the future bc it will happen again bc he's refusing treatment.