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Bacon, Idolatry and other such Sacrilege.

Sometimes my mind forgets that it’s encased inside my skull.

Ramblings, stories and random absurdity brought to you from the writer of “1001 Uses for Hoarded Toilet Paper” and “I’m Willing to Bet $10 Jesus Christ was from Outer Space” and many other books, papers, and requisition forms you’ve never heard of. Read at your own personal peril, laugh a bit, cringe a lot and visit often!
4 years ago. May 1, 2020 at 7:27 PM

Incubus Housewarming Party

By SoullessCorpse


(FFDemon, F2M transformation, demon rape, demon impregnation, blood)




“I’m so fucking tired babe.”


Kim had finally made her way up the old staircase into the loft where her girlfriend, Deborah, had been waiting for her. Kim had began to undress on her way up and had already peeled off her sweaty top. Her caramel skin still glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration.


“I know baby girl.” replied Deb. “I’m exhausted too.”


Deb was kneeling on the floor going through several boxes labeled “bathroom.”


The young lesbian couple had just driven a U-Haul truck over 700 miles from New York bringing all of their belongings to their new home in Barnwell, SC. Kim had recently received a huge promotion at her tech firm that came with a healthy bump in income. The only drawback was that they wanted her to immediately head up their new lab all the way down in “Bum Fuck Egypt”...AKA Barnwell, SC. To make things even more challenging they only gave the couple 2 weeks to move down. They were, however, generous enough to help the couple find and then pay the closing costs on a new home.


It wasn’t new really. In fact it was quite old, but in very good repair and at only $75k it was a steal of a deal and as they were moving from such an expensive city, it seemed almost too good to be true and they didn’t want to risk anyone else discovering this gem so they locked it down in a bid without ever having seen it in person.


It wasn’t a particularly large house. It was a two story, brick and wood structure with a veranda porch circling the base. The downstairs consisted of a kitchen, dining area, living room, utility room, two small bedrooms and a bathroom. Upstairs was a large loft complete with a full bathroom that served as either a recreational area or a master bedroom. The couple had decided to make this the latter.


“Have you seen the box with all the bathing shit in it?” asked Deb. “I’m so fucking ready to get in the shower.”


“Me too babe.” said Kim. She had now undressed down to nothing but a pair of bikini briefs. She knelt down next to her girlfriend and began rummaging with her. “I’m sure it’s in here some damn where. Maybe it’s still downstairs next to the other bathroom stuff.”


“Fuck!!” complained Deb. “Ok...damn...I’ll go down and check...NAKED ass.”


“You LOVE my naked ass, bitch.” Kim said playfully. She stood up and smacked Deb’s ass as she walked away.


“Bitch, don’t make me fuck you up on our first night.” Deb loved making threats like this and Kim loved it when she actually followed through.


Kim ran after her catching her shoulder as she began down the staircase. “Baby.” she said softly. “You know I love you and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you. Thank you, baby...for everything. You completely blew my mind when you just dropped everything to do this with me. I just...I just do-”


Deb turned around and planted a long, deep kiss on Kim’s soft lips cutting her words off. Kim melted into her body wrapping her slender arms around Deb’s neck. Deb grasped her hips and pulled her in tightly.


“I love you too babe.” She said as she broke the kiss. “You know I’d do anything for MY bitch.”


Kim shoved her away playfully. “You can be such a cunt know that??”


Deb reached out and grabbed Kim’s arm smiling mischievously. “You love my cunt.”


Kim swatted her hand away. “Girl, if you don’t get down there and find that body wash you’ll be jacking that smelly twat off all by yourself.”


Deb snorted a chuckle at that and turned away heading down the stairs.


“I’ll be in the shower waiting.” Kim sung after her.


Deb just gestured to her with her hand and stepped out of view.


Kim slid off her panties, walked into the bathroom and began turning the shower faucets to adjust the water temperature. When she was satisfied with the mixture she walked over to the mirror and began inspecting her reflection. She ran her hands from her neck down between her full, 38D breasts, across her slightly chubby, but delightfully sensuous tummy and down to her mons where she flattened her palms and turned to catch a side view. She inhaled sucking in her abdomen and then exhaled poking it out as far as she could. She sighed heavily before twisting her hips to get a better profile of her lovely, well rounded posterior. All in all she was a beautiful, full figured woman; her middle eastern heritage showing in all of her delicate features; sultry dark brown eyes, full pouting lips, smooth caramel brown skin, accentuated wide hips and pronounced bosom tipped with dark brown nipples circled widely by a slightly lighter toned areola.


The mirror slowly began to steam up as she gazed reflectively at herself. She looked over to the box labeled “towels” on top of the toilet seat and reached in to grab a small towel. She pulled out what looked like an old, green tattered remnant of what had once been a hand towel and began wiping the mirror with it.


As she wiped the foggy glass she jumped when she saw the reflection of movement behind her. Startled, she let out a loud “FUCK!” She quickly turned around only to find that no one was there.


“Deb?” she called out. She heard a noise coming from right outside the door. “Babe, what are you doing? Baby?...Deb, stop acting like a creeper!”


Kim walked to the door, opened it and looked around the room. Except for several boxes and a mattress it was empty. She stepped into the room and began walking toward the staircase. As she made her way across the room she heard a loud crash from the bathroom that she had just left. This caused her to jump straight up and trip over her own feet. She shrieked as she fell face down onto the cold, wooden floor with a heavy thud.


“DEBORAH!! THAT SHITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY!” She angrily yelled in the direction of the sound.


There was no reply.


She stood up and marched directly into the bathroom with the full intention of ripping Deb a new one. She burst through the doorway expecting to see Deborah standing there waiting to scare her but was completely shocked to find no one there. She was about to start yelling when she glanced toward the corner and saw the small linen closet. A smile crept across her face as she tip-toed to the closet door. She was going to yank open the door and scare Deb half to death thus transforming herself from the victim to the assailant. It would serve her right after all. She shouldn’t be acting so fucking childish. One thing was certain in Kim’s mind. Deb would absolutely not be getting any tonight.


She wrapped her hand around the doorknob and slowly began to turn it being very careful not to make any sound. Just as she was about to fling the door wide open she felt a chill on the back of her neck and heard the bathroom door slam shut behind her. She screamed, turned around too quickly, slipped in the gathering condensation on the tile floor and fell backwards hitting the back of her head on the edge of the bathtub.


The bump to her head was very hard and had surely broken the skin on her scalp but had not been enough to render her unconscious. She laid on the cold, damp tile writhing in sharp pain desperately looking around the room trying to gain her equilibrium. As she attempted to pull herself up the first thing she noticed when her eyes came back into focus was the blood pooling on the floor between her legs. She had no idea what to make of this but it deeply terrified her.


“’m’s bad...please me.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper.


The temperature in the room began to drop dramatically and it seemed as if the water and blood on the floor had begun to frost over. She began to shiver as panic grew inside her. Her breath was now clearly visible as she panted heavily from the over exertion of trying to stand. She slipped again, this time in ice, but caught herself and recovered her footing. Blood was now free flowing down the insides of her thighs and to her absolute horror it seemed to be coming directly from her vagina. She reached between her legs, cupped her sex for a moment and then looked at her palm. It was completely red with menstrual blood.


“Ahhhhhhhhooooooooofuuuuuuckkkkkkkk!!!” she screamed as she scrambled to the door. She slipped several times in the short distance but was finally able to wrap her bloody hand around the doorknob. It was completely frozen and the blood on her hand caused it to stick like when holding your tongue to a flagpole in winter. In a panic she yanked her hand back ripping the skin from her palm. She screamed again and began beating on the door furiously. Blood splattered about the room as she flailed her arms. The cold was now starting to overpower her naked body and she slowly began to lose all feeling in her extremities. She fell to her knees and pressed her forehead to the door, stopped moving and began to cry.


“Kiiiiimmmmmberrrrrrrlyyyyyy.” came a disembodied voice from behind her. It was low, deep and beastial in nature and seemed more like a growl than a spoken word.


This was more than she could process. The only thing that kept her from fainting in that moment was the frozen air squeezing around her body like a vice. As she willed herself to turn around the room began to darken; but not completely. The darkness seemed to funnel into, and concentrate around the far left corner of the room. In the dead center of that corner was a giant mass of sheer, pulsating blackness. If it had a shape it was far too black to make out against the dark background.


Kim looked down at the floor and saw what looked like black tendrils of darkness creeping out from the corner toward her feet. She backed away until she stood flat against the frozen door. With nowhere left to go, she watched in horror as the tendrils inched closer and closer. She gathered every ounce of breath that her lungs had the remaining capacity for and was just about to let out a blood curdling scream when a tendril suddenly leapt toward her and forced itself down her throat cutting off her last effort to cry for help.


Four more tendrils leapt up wrapping themselves around her wrists and ankles and began to drag her into the corner. A sixth tendril then appeared, much thicker than the previous five, and began to slither toward the center of her widely spread legs.


The last thing Kim felt before passing out from sheer terror and agonizing pain was the large, slithering, black tendril snaking itself up her leg toward her exposed vagina.




Deborah trotted down the staircase with a smile across her face. She was completely in love with Kim and to hear her say how much she was appreciated was all the validation she needed to know that she had finally found someone who would stick.


She had made so many bad choices in her romantic life that she had began to doubt that she would ever find a true, honest to God, ride or die partner. Kim was just that. She wasn’t just some curious, confused girl looking to explore or experiment like every other girl she had been with. Hell, there had even been one white chick who led her on for weeks only for Deb to find out that she had only wanted to try some “black pussy.”


As offensive as that situation was at least that girl had actually been gay. Most of the women who approached her just wanted another girl for a three way with their husbands or boyfriends. It still astounded her how ignorant and inappropriate some people could be regarding her sexuality.


As she walked toward the downstairs bathroom she noticed a box of pizza still open and sitting out on the countertop. They had ordered the pizza earlier that evening after unloading the U-Haul. Deb had eaten a couple of slices and then went upstairs to start unpacking leaving Kim to clean up.


“Damnit, Kim.” She thought to herself. “You may be the finest bitch alive but you are FAR from being a housewife.”


She closed the box and put it in the fridge and then grabbed a dish rag to wipe down the counter.


“See.” She muttered to herself. “This how muthafuckas get cockroaches.” She tossed the rag in the sink and continued toward the bathroom. As she entered she flipped on the light, which came on for an instant and immediately burnt out.


“Fuck!” she shouted. “Ain’t that about a bitch!?”


She had no idea if they had any spare lightbulbs or where they would be located. She did, however, know exactly where a flashlight was.


She walked back to the kitchen, grabbed her car keys and then headed outside to her car. As she walked out the front door she hollered up toward Kim. “Just going out to my right back!”


There was no reply but she hadn’t expected one.


A minute later she returned with the flashlight and proceeded to the bathroom. It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for and after gathering up a few items she headed back through the kitchen toward the staircase.


As she passed by the counter again she froze in her tracks; nearly dropping everything in her arms. There, on the countertop, was the same open box of pizza she had just put away a few minutes before.


“What the fuck, Kim?!?” She shouted up the stairs. “I KNOW you didn’t just leave this damn box out...TWICE!”


Again, there was no reply. This time, however, she had fully expected one and the fact that she didn’t get one just pissed her off even more.


“Kim! I know you fucking heard me!”




“Aight, ok, that’s how it’s gonna be then? I see.”


Deb sat down her items and put away the pizza for a second time and again wiped down the surface. She then grabbed her things and began marching up the stairs to the loft. She was going to give that bitch a good piece of her mind.


The room was empty and dark.


A light shone from under the bathroom door indicating that Kim was inside and probably standing under some nice, hot water rinsing off and waiting for her to get back with the soap.


The thought of Kim’s wet, naked body standing under a  stream of steaming hot water was all it took for Deb to forget about her peeve and return to a more centered and aroused state of mind.


Deb quickly undressed revealing her smooth, dark chocolate skin and trim physique. She was a very lovely woman and no matter how hard she tried to butch herself up by dressing in men’s clothes and keeping her hair cut extremely short, she couldn’t hide her obvious femininity. Though not as voluptuous and curvy as Kim, Deb had a distinct hourglass figure complete with a flat tummy, perky 34B tits and a tight little bubble ass that jiggled the tiniest bit when smacked.


After undressing she once again gathered up the bathing items, walked to he bathroom door, opened it and was immediately engulfed by a cloud of hot steam as it rushed out to greet her.


“Damn girl!” she shouted. “You got that water hot enough??”


The steam was so thick she couldn’t even see the bathtub or sink. She slowly walked into the fog, extending her hand in front of her so that she could feel her way and taking care not to slip in the heavy condensation covering the tile floor. She kept inching forward but it seemed no matter how far she went she was still unable to feel or see anything in the fog.


“Babe!” I’m gonna need you to turn down the heat...I can’t see shit.”


There was no reply but she could clearly hear the sound of an old rusty, faucet being turned.




A moment later the fog began to thin and Deb could finally see the outline of Kim standing behind the opaque shower door. She was standing perfectly still under the shower head; her arms hanging down by her sides.


“Everything ok babe?” Asked Deb.


She reached for the door and pulled it open. Kim was facing away from her and still hadn’t budged. She placed her hand on Kim’s shoulder.


“Babe?” she whispered.


Just then Kim turned around and threw her hands up and yelled. “Boooooooo!!!!”


Startled, Deb jumped up and lost her footing on the wet floor and fell hard directly on her ass. She immediately tried to get back up but only slipped and fell again.


Kim was laughing hysterically and didn’t even stop as Deb sat sprawled on the floor in obvious pain. It was an unnatural laugh; empty and cold and she just kept on cackling.


“What THE FUCK is wrong with you?!? That shit isn’t funny you fucking bitch!!”


The laughter grew louder as Kim began to step out of the shower and walk toward her. She extended her arm pointing her finger down at Deb as she approached. The sound coming from Kim’s mouth did not sound like her lover’s voice. It sounded vile and unclean as if her throat was clogged with phlegm.


Deb tried to back away from her but found that she could no longer move her arms or legs. She looked down and to her absolute horror saw something black and wriggling wrapped around her ankles and wrists. They were pulling her toward something dark and massive just out of focus through the foggy air.


Deb let out a shrieking scream as she struggled to free herself but no matter how hard she tried it was just too strong.


“Shhhhhhhhh.” Kim shushed. “Everything will be ok. Don’t you trust me baby?”


Deb ignored her as she continued trying to free herself. The air had begun to cool rapidly now and the fog had all but cleared. She could now see several black tendrils slithering across the floor toward her from the dark corner.


“Just let go Deborah.” Said Kim. “Just let it happen. You’ll be glad you did.”


Another voice chimed in and seemed to come from out of nowhere.




“Fuck you!!” Cried Deb. “Fuck you!!...let me g-”


Just then another black tendril shot out from the corner and forced its way into her mouth and down her throat preventing her from crying out any further. This caused her to panic even more wildly than before and as she flailed about she managed to turn slightly and catch a glimpse of the floor behind her. There was a trail of blood smeared across the floor that ended just behind her. She faced forward again and attempted to scream but all she could manage was a muffled, sickly sound. In that instant, as if reacting to her attempt, the pulsating thing in her mouth began to pump something hot down the back of her throat. It burned like fire going down. Tears flowed from her eyes as she was forced to swallow the endlessly flowing substance.


“Don’t be afraid, Deborah.” Kim said soothingly. “He’ll take away the’ll see.”


Kim gave Deb an eerie smile that made her stomach wretch.


“What is this??? What’s wrong with Kim??? This can’t be real! Oh my god! I’m going to die!!” Her mind had become a nightmarish landscape of horrible anguish, terrifying doubt and painful realization.


Just then, out of the corner of her eye, she detected a much more distinct movement in the corner. She turned to face it and watched as the black mass began to grow larger and take on the form of a gigantic humanoid figure. Time seemed to stop as ice formed all around the room. It was as if this thing was sucking all of the energy from the room in order to manifest itself. Deb was crying uncontrollably though no sound of it could be heard. A feeling of fullness began to emanate from her belly as the hot fluid filled her completely. Her throat was completely sore and swollen and she was unable to physically swallow anymore but still it pumped into her. She could now visibly see her flat stomach begin to swell. As it extended outward she felt as if it would burst open at any moment.


Still looking down, she saw a black, bubbling substance begin to leak from her nipples and to her much greater horror she noticed that her small perky breasts were beginning to flatten out completely. Something was happening to her body; something inside of her was changing her and it also seemed to be calming her. She ceased to struggle and had become focused on watching the physical transformation of her body.


The tendril stopped pumping the fluid into her and removed itself from her throat and mouth dropping to the floor and slithering back into the creature standing before her.


Her stomach looked as if she were pregnant but it bubbled and pulsated very unnaturally. She felt a stinging sensation between her legs and looking down she saw the same bubbling black substance leaking from her vagina. As she watched she could see her clit begin to swell and elongate. Her vagina seemed to be shrinking and closing in on itself. Her labia began to swell and merge into a bulbous sack beneath her clit which had continued to grow exponentially and reform into something else; something phallic.


“Oh my god!!” She yelled. “I’m growing a dick!!”


But it wasn’t her voice. This voice was far too deep and masculine to come from her mouth. Whatever was changing her body was also changing her chemistry. She was becoming a man.


Deb continued to watch as her penis kept growing longer and thicker until it finally stopped. She was fully erect and nearly 9 inches long and at least 6 inches around near the center of the shaft. Beneath her massive penis was a set of huge, heavy balls that looked completely full and ready to burst.


Fear had left her but not common sense. She was still herself...only in a different body. She looked at the demonic thing in front of her and felt indifference. She didn’t back away as it approached her and she didn’t cry out when it grabbed her. She never even struggled as it began to enter her body. Deb’s very last thought as Deborah, right before the demon seized full control of her mind and body, was “I can’t believe I have a cock.”


Kim had been in a demonic trance up until now but as the Incubus took control of Deb’s body he released his hold on her mind. As she regained her senses she immediately noticed this tall, naked black man standing before her. Not only was he naked, he was fully erect and smiling wildly at her.


“What the fuck!!” She screamed. “DEBORAH!!! HELP MEEEE!!!”


She looked wildly around the room but Deb was no where in sight. She dodged for the door but not fast enough and the man caught her by the waist and threw her hard against the wall. The impact was enough to knock the wind out of her and put a huge dent in the drywall. As she struggled to catch her breath the man walked casually to where she lay, reached down and wrapped his enormous hand around her thin neck. As he began lifting her from the floor she tried to free herself by first pulling and then beating on his massive forearms. He just kept smiling even as her feet left the ground. He squeezed tighter until her arms fell by her sides and then let her fall back to the floor limp. She hadn’t lost consciousness but was so out of breath that she couldn’t do anything but lay where she fell.


The man reached down again, this time grabbing her by the ankle and began dragging her into the bedroom. As he stepped through the doorway he waved his hand outward and everything that had been piled on the floor, including the mattress, exploded outward slamming against the walls and flying over the railing into the living area below.


He drug her limp body into the center of the room and laid her flat on her back. With another wave of his hand several power cords, cable wires and telephone lines shot out from the walls around her and wrapped themselves tightly around her wrists and ankles and began pulling each appendage to the four corners of the room. She was now completely naked and sprawled out like a piece of meat on a serving dish; her womanhood completely open and exposed.


The man stepped between her legs and gestured upward with both of his hands. The wires began lifting her body off of the floor and moved her into a 45° angle so that she could look into his eyes as he addressed her.


“Kiiiiimmmmmberrrrrrrlyyyyyy.” He growled.


The deep growling, unnatural voice uttering her name brought all the memories of what had happened earlier back into her immediate consciousness as well as the crippling horror she had felt in those terrifying moments before her world changed forever.


“Kiiiiimmmmmberrrrrrrlyyyyyy.” he repeated. “Youuu willl beee myyyy vessssssselll.”


Kim tried to vocalize her extreme revulsion but was unable to make even the slightest sound. She tried to scream at the top of her lungs but barely a whisper escaped her lips. She began flailing about wildly in attempt to free herself but as she levitated off of the ground with her arms and legs held apart tightly, there was absolutely no leverage to do so.


The man-thing gestured toward her again and her body returned parallel to the floor only this time she hovered 4 feet above it.


“No no no no no no no nooooooooooo!” she tried yelling once more but again all she could manage was a faint whisper.


As the man-thing positioned itself between her thighs, the head of its enormous member grazed her outer labia. She winced in vile disgust. She had never let any man inside her. She knew at a very early age that she was gay. She had even gotten in trouble in middle school when she was caught experimenting with her best friend at a sleepover. Her friend’s parents forbade any further contact with their daughter and had even gone so far as to bring it up during a parent-teacher conference at her school. Her life became so much more difficult after that incident and she endured several months of ridicule by her peers. It was the only time in her life she had felt completely humiliated and ashamed. It would be several years before she opened that door once again.


Now she was feeling a new kind of humiliation. This was filthy, disgusting and vile and all so very unreal and dream-like. Only this was a nightmare she could never have imagined for herself. This was the nightmarish creation of the man-thing that violated her.


Kim was suddenly returned to the present as she felt its cock begin to press into her. It was the most painful experience she had ever endured in her entire life. She could feel her flesh break and split apart as the unnaturally large phallus was forced deep into her. The thickness of the shaft stretched her inner walls far beyond their elasticity and she knew that the warm, wet feeling around the crack of her ass was her own blood seeping out from around the invading appendage. It never stopped pushing inward; not even as it came into contact with her cervix. The man-thing just kept pressing against the barrier until finally it gave way and opened up to his will. Once it had filled her completely the demon pulled almost all of the way back out, shifted its angle and then slammed itself back into her sending a wave of tremors throughout her entire body. The demon then began pounding its cock into her violently and without any regard to Kim’s physical limits. Her body became limp and her arms and legs flung about like a rag doll as the demon rutted into her over and over without mercy. Kim remained aware throughout the ordeal although her conscious reasoning had retreated to somewhere far away. It seemed as though the demon’s lust and stamina would never die until finally it shoved the entire length of its impossibly giant phallus into her (far beyond the barrier of her cervix) letting out a long, blood curdling howl and began ejaculating massive volumes of its unclean and potent demon-seed directly into her innocent and fertile womb. Kim’s entire abdomen began to bulge and distend outward as the demon’s black seed filled every crevice of her interior. Finally the beast released her ankles and stepped backward letting its now semi-flaccid member slip out of Kim’s now completely ruined cunt. Without the demon’s cock to hold it in, the jet black seed, mixed with her own blood, began to pour from her gaping vagina and pooled onto the floor below.


The burning and excruciating pain emanating from her once most sacred of places suddenly brought reality streaming back into her consciousness and she wanted so badly to scream but was still unable to find her voice. Regardless, she kept filling her lungs to capacity and expelling them into futile attempts over and over again.


The demon gestured downward and she immediately fell to the floor landing hard on her back. He gestured once again and the wires that had held her suddenly evaporated into nothingness.


It stood directly over her bruised and battered body and spoke.


“It isss done. Feeel my seeed grow within youuu.”


There was a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen and Kim went into fetal position pressing her hands to her stomach. Her eyes clamped shut and she gritted her teeth in agony. She felt a movement inside her and she realized in horror what it had done to her. Her head tilted back and she drew in one final breath and let out a screaming...






“What...the FUCK babe???” Yelled Deb as she jumped up.


Kim was sitting up in bed covered in sweat and breathing erratically.


“No no” Kim was completely unhinged.


“Babe...listen to’s ok.” Deb insisted as she tried to calm Kim’s frantic behavior. “You had a bad dream’s ok...I’ve got you...come here.”


She held her arms open and gestured for Kim to cuddle next to her. Kim just looked at her with fear and doubt filling her eyes and started to back away.


“’s not’re not real...are you real? Is it really you? Where are we? What..wha-”


“Babe.” Said Deb. “Of course it’s me! Who else’s gonna put up with your crazy ass??? Now come here. You’re ok baby. I’ve got you. That must have been one crazy ass dream. Now come here and let me hold you.”


“Debbie, baby?” Kim was finally starting to gain equilibrium. “Oh Deb...that dream...oh my God...Deb-”


“Shhh.” Shushed Deb. “You can tell me about it in the morning. It’s too early. Come over here and let’s catch some more zzz’s.”


Kim lifted herself up and suddenly realized she had to pee really badly.


“Ok. Ok.” She said. “Ok baby, I’m so was just so...damn...I have to pee.”


Deb yawned and muttered back. “Ok baby, hurry back.” She was already falling back asleep.


Kim stood up and walked to the bathroom. As she approached the doorway a sickening feeling washed over her. “Stop that shit.” She thought to herself. “It was just a fucking dream.” She reached over and flipped the light on and was immediately immersed in blinding light. She squinted for a moment until her eyes adjusted properly. She walked past the mirror to the toilet, lifted her shirt, pulled down her panties and sat down on the cold seat. She winced at the frigid sensation and felt her asshole pucker up. A moment later she relaxed and emptied her bladder. The only sound to be heard was that of her urine splashing down into the commode. She finished up, grabbed a couple of tissues, wiped and stood up. She was about to reach down for her panties when she caught her reflection in the mirror and screamed out.




There across from her in the mirror stood herself, but with one VERY notable change. Her belly appeared as if she were seven months pregnant!!!


“NO NO NO no no no NOOOOOOOOOO!!!” She cried.


She tried to run out of the bathroom and almost crashed right into Deborah, who for some reason had been standing perfectly silent and still right outside the doorway. The light from the bathroom caught her face. She smiled at Kim.


“It’s ok baby.” She calmly spoke. “Everything will be just fine. You just wait and see.”


To Kim’s ultimate horror, Deborah’s eyes had turned completely black and were staring right through her with a purple glow. At that moment Kim’s knees gave out causing her to fall backward onto the floor. She began backing away from this...this...Deborah...THING.


It began slowly walking toward her all the while speaking in a calm, even-toned voice.


“Kimberly, baby. Don’t be afraid my love. You know I would never harm you.”


Kim screamed as she became trapped, backed into the very corner she had first encountered the Incubus.




She searched frantically around the room with her eyes looking for the creature responsible for corrupting her lover; her mind trying to make sense of this complete nightmare she had become trapped in. She then felt a movement in her abdomen that made her double over in pain. She looked down at her belly and saw that it was slowly, but visibly expanding outward causing her skin to stretch thin as it reached the limit of its elasticity.




Kim fell to the floor and began shaking uncontrollable. The thing inside of her writhed around wildly. It wanted out.


With the greatest of effort Kim was able to sit up with her back to the wall; her legs forced apart by her now enormous belly which had grown so big it flopped onto the floor in front of her.




Kim’s mouth vomited an endless line of pain filled obscenities as the thing inside of her continued growing and expanding her womb far beyond human limitations.


The Deborah creature just stood before her all the while clapping its hands together and smiling a very large and very toothy smile. Kim was in far too much pain to notice.




Something ripped apart deep inside of her, mid-scream, causing her to lean forward and strain. A gush of foul, black liquid exploded outward from her vagina covering everything in the room, including the Deborah thing who just kept smiling down at her. Kim fell backward onto the floor; silent and seemingly lifeless. Her abdomen, however, continued to writhe as the creature inside began to move downward toward the freedom offered by Kim’s now destroyed vagina.


The outline of the creature was now distinctly visible as it wriggled downward. It was about the size of an 8 year old child but obviously not a human child as it appeared to be covered in bony spines.


“That’s it. There’s a good boy. Come on now. Come out and see your new world my tiny master.” Joyfully chimed the Deborah thing.


Just then 8 small fingertips emerged from Kim’s bloody cunt and began prying it open from the inside. A giant, bulbous head began to emerge causing Kim’s vagina to split down to her asshole. It’s left arm began to slide past the head and then the right followed. It placed both hands flat in the floor and leveraged itself outward until its wide shoulders shattered Kim’s pelvis, freeing the rest of its body to slide out with ease.


It crawled a short way, placed its feet under itself and began to stand up. It then slowly turned around to explore its surroundings.


Kim, who’s body was now completely destroyed, had somehow managed to cling to life, though barely and not for much longer. She focused her eyes on the boy-thing as it crept toward her and stared quietly at it. She no longer had the ability to speak as she could barely draw breath. The creature crawled right up to her and offered a surprisingly loving smile and then eerily mouthed one word.




Kim, in sheer mortal terror, sucked as much air into her lungs as was still possible and in her final drawn out and excruciating exhale she let out a long, bellowing scream.


The End.




Jack in the box -
Quite the story! Wow!
4 years ago
Max Heathen​(other male) - That was a bit fucked up but graphically vivid. I applaud your imagination!
4 years ago

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