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Posts by nuli(sub female){Unkolared}
Search found 51 matches
You are so right there is tremendous judgment here. If you don't believe it, go into chat, express an opinion, and see what happens.

Oh I know! Express an opinion and you're jumped on and If you fa ...
Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:27 pm • 55 Replies • 14505 Views
Reward - Daddy/Dom gives sub/little a bath, dries her off, brushes her hair, and puts her in the new bedwear that he bought for her to sleep in.
Punishment - Sub/little on her knees with an eye dropp ...
Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:38 pm • 24 Replies • 8631 Views
Ironworld. you shouldn't assume things because as the old saying goes when you assume something you make an ass out of you and me maybe instead of automatically assuming what the situation might be yo ...
Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:38 pm • 19 Replies • 4491 Views