So a concerned blog reader was like well maybe there could be some toys that help enhance things solo.
I am not really sure some of the stuff solo doesn't really help whip hand cuffs candles. What am I gonna do handcuff myself and pour wax on me doesn't really work.
So technically I have a couple of vibrators a few dildos and thats about it.
I have debated for a while getting a vibrating or thrusting type dildo but part of my issue is I wanna get less interested in vaginal sex not more so.
People evolve and to an extent I'm getting used to the new normal. I was always a late bloomer but its also kept my body young and relatively fit so I guess its better to age slowly with health then the alternative.
So please list what you think a switch woman exploring solo needs. Since I am curious what you might suggest.
Thanks for taking the time much appreciated.