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Just me

My journey is a road I travel most of the time with friends by my side. Some days I walk alone, others I hold someone's hand. This is my journey on cage. If you really want to know about me go back 2 years ago to my first blog. Enjoy
4 years ago. February 9, 2020 at 3:33 PM

When she was little she was told to keep quiet. Dont let anyone see weakness. Dont give them a reason to keep hurting you. Keep your feelings in a box stuff them away becasue they will only hurt you.

As she grew this lesson kept getting played over and over. Dont let them in to that part of who you are. No one deserves to see. You are a strong young woman and if you show emotion they will think your weak.
First relationship fails, divorce comes. Somehow it's all her fault. The neglect, the lack of communication, and disrespect or support to the family were all acceptable to give to her becasue she was a army wife who didnt do as told.

Second marriage fear over takes only to be proven that speaking and sharing your feelings leaves you the one hurt. It gets used against you and becomes a weapon.

Children are present and they see the real woman. The loving supportive caring nurturing woman. They see her soul.

The woman then finds this life and is asked to show her feelings Express them. After years and years of stuffing them to protect herself she looks at the person making the request and thinks I cant. If you know you'll leave, if you know you will see my weakness, if you know you'll use it against me.
She can show you when she is with you but when she returns to her life she wont be able to express her need for you, that is a weakness, she has to be strong she has to be closed off to protect her kids. The thing is in her mind she thinks you should know she needs you.

This is me! 100% I assume people know I need them. I refuse to ask for help because hell no will I depend on someone. I know I keep my feelings hidden becasue it's a weakness. My kids see the real me, they get the strong powerful super soccermom. Inside I'm breaking every minute of everyday. I beat myself up, I have fears and anxieties. I feel like a failure.

I'm writing this becasue I know many of us are in this situation, we deny our emotions we close people out or we put on a happy face and fake it till we make it. I found writing/journaling helps me face my emotions head on. If I write what I'm felling in the moment I can then figure out why. The key is to just write the emotion not think about it till after it's on paper.

Anyway were not alone in this journey ever. Always reach out a hand, always show support even if its crying together. Your nightmare maybe my dream so maybe i can show you a different side. Talk it out communicate

Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - Excellent blog and thank you sharing with us. It takes bravery to do so!! ❤️❤️❤️
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - I felt that others need to u understand why some of us cant Express what we need so easily. Body language is easy to read. Vocalizing it is so hard
4 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - I stopped asking for help because I was constantly being let down. Or they would intentionally fuck up so I wouldn't ask. But then say why don't you ask for help.
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - Exactly!!!!
4 years ago
ffion fancy​(sub female){Taken} - I feel this was too Phoenix, another ex army wife here, I wear a happy mask to protect what is inside xxx
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - Not an easy mask to wear sometimes. I love and support the military but back then it was so hard to be a spouse
4 years ago
ffion fancy​(sub female){Taken} - This way sorry
4 years ago
FireflyandMasterJD - This is like reading me...I find it so hard to actually vocalise what I need and crave for fear of appearing children are the only ones who know the real me and perhaps my last Master who just kept digging and didn't let me emotionally run...thank you for reminding me that I need to keep expressing, that it's not a weakness to say to someone ' I need you' ......💖💖💖
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - I'm glad it was a reminder!!!!
4 years ago
Neophyte​(sub female) - Wow
This resonates with me o. So many levels - constantly being the one everyone goes to yet somehow it’s hard to go to others when you need a hand up - people always seeing you as the strong one with everything put together while inside it’s the opposite
Thanks for sharing this
Sending hugs your way
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - It's crazy how well we can hide our own emotions but help everyone else
4 years ago
SSG{ENM-TLP} - Survival. We hide to survive. Survive our life. Survive an argument. Survive the day. When we have total control of our emotions and keep them safely locked away, we can release them at an appropriate time for a managed release. One day, someone will come along and truly take on all of the fears, tears and worry. I've thought I had met the right ones in the past, much like you describe here, but I would always find myself drying up and dying years after they were in my life. I have now found the One who shares the same intensity. There are so many things that we have to know to make a good selection and match. It isn't surprising that we miss the mark. It truly requires major precision, and I don't know that we are designed to naturally be that precise, but we do learn more and more to make our action more exact. Thank you for sharing your story. Your vulnerability will help many. Hugs.
4 years ago
venia​(sub female){Lextelonis} - You know how much this resonates with me. 💜
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - 💜💜 we all need to know it's not just us. I figure if I can share myself and show others it will help somehow some way.
Why do you think I wrote it 😉
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Raw. Honest. Real.
It doesn’t get better than that !
4 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - “Your nightmare maybe my dream “
So very true! “ One mans meat is another mans poison.” ~ Lucretius
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - Oh great quote I will have to remember that one. Once again thank you
4 years ago

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