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Just me

My journey is a road I travel most of the time with friends by my side. Some days I walk alone, others I hold someone's hand. This is my journey on cage. If you really want to know about me go back 2 years ago to my first blog. Enjoy
4 years ago. March 19, 2020 at 1:59 AM

Dragging myself into the house
Unloading the small amount of items from the hell called the store
Feeding the littles and hearing them laugh
Listening to the people around me panic
Talking like the end is near
All I can do is laugh inside and think well at least you have toilet paper.
Today we were suppose to get our shipment in at work, not only are we HEALTHCARE workers working without proper protective equipment becasue their is a shortage. We no longer have TOILET PAPER for our 130 patients. Once our inventory runs out that's it.
So as people around you freak out think of those of us working long hours, checking you out of the grocery store, the elderly couple that cant get to supplies because everyone is taking more than they need, the law enforcement being called to said store to break up fights over toilet paper, the healthcare workers barely sleeping to treat your hypochondriac self, and the poor people admitted to the hospital who can not wipe their bum because you felt the need to build a fortress out of tp to defend against a virus!
I'm all in with being prepared but come on when is to much to much. I will drag my exhausted self upstairs climb in bed and do this all over again tomorrow. Wondering why people are so selfish.
So many are out of jobs right now, children arent getting a good education others are working so much they are getting sick from exhaustion and you have your little paper castle.
Sorry I had to vent. I seriously could use that safe place to be tonight as my faith in the human kind is slipping away.
Stay safe everyone, and remember at least thank someone who's overworked trying to make sure you are safe fed and healthy in your tp house!

Miss Tia​(sub female) - I applauded all healthcare workers. Where I work we are facing shortages, masks, goggles, sanitizer......the tp is locked up, masks are too now since a bunch disappeared
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - The fact that people loot facilities and hospitals is sick
4 years ago
Ocelotgoddess - People are exhibiting their own care because nurses are talking to the public about Corona positive people being turned away from the hospitals if they are not in the late death stages leaving the public at risk... Because many times there is a risk of them dying... So they stock up... So they do not have to go to the hospital where there is no toilet paper and they can die in the comfort of their own home or go to the grocery store in a good bless America bang infecting everyone.... Also like the lady on the bus with the runny nose card board sign and cough... She's on the street... Think they are going to provide her a resporator? Think that scares her enough to stay away from the hospital? I asked a emt today if we see someone coughing or with a runny nose is there protocol for that? He said no... It's a privacy thing... So I threw away all my clothes, my purse I wore on the bus... Washed really well using disinfectant and walked alot instead of taking the bus again today... But i had to get groceries so I and someone from another state is instacarting me groceries... So I had to go pick them up and take the bus
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - I am not sure what nurse you are talking about but I know damn well as a nurse I cant turn ANYONE away. As the infection control nurse I also know most people coming in exhibiting signs are tested and asked to self isolate while in constant contact with the hospital. If the case is severe they need to have negative pressure rooms and ICU open. The EMT you spoke to is correct, masks dont do anything even the N-95. So my point is those who have to live in a skilled nursing facility who is being cared for 24/7 doesn't get the luxury of building a paper castle becasue there is none left.
4 years ago
Miss Tia​(sub female) - We only have four negative air rooms....not nearly enough
4 years ago
venia​(sub female){Lextelonis} - Comment deleted by poster.
4 years ago
Ocelotgoddess - Are suppliers and manufacturers doing anything to fix this?
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - Keeping up with the panic demand is impossible
4 years ago
Miss Tia​(sub female) - That is so true, plus many items come from heavily hit areas.
4 years ago
Satindragon - Thank you Phe for all you and your fellow medical professionals are doing. It takes a special mindset to care for the elderly.

I called yesterday to check on my sister. I ask the nurse if they had everything they needed or was there something I could get for them. Fortunately she said they were good. So I thanked her for the long hours they are working.

Everyone needs to remember we are still in our flu season. There are other illnesses out there. My granddaughter has strep throat. Do what you are supposed to do. Stay home, unless you have to work or desperately need supplies. Only buy what you need. Remember other people need supplies also. People are acting like it’s snowing in the south. It’s call panic, fed by the fear mongering 24/7 news and social media. Use some common sense and calm down.
If you go out for supplies be smart go get what you need, you should already have anti bacterial wipes in your car. Be sure to use them when you get back in your car. Do this after you pump gas as well. When you get home, wash your hands, put away your supplies, dispose of the bags. Take a shower and wash the clothes you wore. How hard is that?

If you have extra supplies, check on your elderly neighbors or family who couldn’t get out. Or your local nursing home.

Again thank you Phe and I hope you were able to get some rest.
Love you girl ❤️❤️
4 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Not lookin} - I THANK YOU..i use to wotk in a assisted living facility as a maintenance tech.. i told understand you ... please take care of yourself..
4 years ago
Pheonix J​(sub female) - And I'm back at it. Thank you everyone and Satin you made some great points.
Please stay safe and as satin said check on your neighbors they cant even order supplies online they are out!
4 years ago
SoaringFree​(sub female) - Big hugs ❤
4 years ago

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