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lambsone's thoughts

Just things I think about or feel from time to time either from experience or observation.
5 months ago. May 19, 2024 at 3:43 AM

Sorry, long post.

Last Friday I got some blood tests in prep for my oncology followup a week later. It turns out that the previous oncologist never ordered the tests. But other orders were in the system from another doctor, so blood was drawn for that one 3 months too early. I fiund all this out after the fact. 

Anyway, the oncologist went ahead and ordered blood work after my appointment, but he caught something that was strange on the test results that were already available. It turns out that our bodies have free light chains in them. At least two of these work together in the bone marrow. One was functioning normally but a second companion light chain was functioning at 3X less capacity than it should. So now I get to have a bone marrow biopsy and bone marrow aspiration next Friday. The biopsy is from the solid bone marrow and the aspiration is from the liquid in the marrow. Thank goodness this will be taken from the hip bone rather than the spine. It is outpatient and with a local anesthetic only. And I don't need anyone to accompany me.

When the oncologist got some of his own tests back, he called me this past Thursday night and told me to get to the ER right away. It turns out that my blood count was 5.7 when it should be above 7. I was critically anemic. 

After spending several hours in the ER with dumb things developing, I was sent home without a blood transfusion. Why? It turns out that that my blood type A Negative now has 3 minor antibodies in it that the hospital wasn't able to match. So the ER doctor had to consult with my doctors Felliow for a course of action. They found a right match at the American Red Cross but it wouldn't be available until around noon the next day. Rather than sleep in the ER, they sent me home.

I was supposed to followup with my doctor the next morning to get a transfusion scheduled. I called and, no one got back to me. So ... after 30 minutes I decided to sign in at registration and explain what I needed. They got in touch with infusion right away and I was sent up to that area. The nurse was very helpful and arranged the transfusion and the blood transfer to the facility. 

I spent from 9:15 am to 4:15 pm in a chair hooked up to an IV. The good news is that after receiving 2 units of blood I feel so much better. I can function now and even spent 3 hr 45 min in our community garden today. I could only clean out some decorative pots, plant new flowers and mulch. But it was worth it. I also sat down the entire time but I had no problem breathing. And our Master Gardener dropped and we had a good chat.

I hope the bone marrow test shows something, so that this blood loss mystery can be solved and I know what I am truly dealing with. I don't like living with the unknown.

MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - Wow. The hardest part is not knowing. With so many moving pieces, it's hard to keep up. I don't know how people who can't keep up manage. It's helpful to have someone to advocate for us. Holding that the medical processes go smoothly and the mystery is clearly solved and easily actionable. If you have someone to go with you, please do. It's exhausting having medical procedures done, even "outpatient" procedures. There really is no need to do this alone. You've been under a great deal of stress. Sending that all moves forward with ease.

5 months ago
lambsone - My doctors have been very helpful, but I thank you for your advice. All my family flew the coop years ago. 2 in FL and 1 in SC. They are monitoring me on FB though. My end of life health team made up of three friends are still in the area and I keep them apprised. Two of those are nurses. I also have have several close friends and an army of church friends I've known since the 70's who are still in my area. So I am well covered if I need someone. There are also folks in my neighborhood that have helped me when I needed it. I guess I'm very fortunate to have so many options in helpers.
5 months ago
I'mME - Lambsone,

My thoughts and prayers are with you. ❤️
5 months ago
lambsone - Thank you so much.
5 months ago
Ingénue{VK} - Waiting can be the hardest part. I hope all goes well. I'm glad you're able to function better at present.
5 months ago
lambsone - Thank you. So far so good.
5 months ago
Sasa​(dom female) - All my good wishes for you
5 months ago
lambsone - Thank you.
5 months ago
Andron{NO} - I hope the doctors are diligent. I understand because when my negatives (blood, lungs, and heart) gang up on me, I have much less energy to work within a day.
5 months ago
lambsone - You know it ... hahaha.
5 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - My thoughts and prayers are with you! 🕊 💕
5 months ago
lambsone - Thank you.
5 months ago
lambsone - Had the procedure today with my doctor performing it. Even with lanacane, I still felt pain. But I told the doctor to proceed anyway. I just bore it to get it over with. Next step a PET scan in about a week. It raised my blood pressure though. I was 145 going into it and 168 after ... lol.
4 months ago
lambsone - Lidocaine not lanacane.
4 months ago

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