I was approached this morning by a message titled, "Hey slut!" ...
I couldn't NOT talk to this person because if you see a train wreck, you stop, and the 5 line conversation led to the "fact" that all submissives are sluts.
My crazy ass mind led me right back to college and the subject of "categorical propositions". This person threw out "universal affirmative proposition A" while the truth would be closer to the "existential particular affirmative I". You didn't want a lesson in logic? Just be glad I didn't drop a Venn Diagram in here...
But really, let's look at that. ALL submissives are sluts. Well that can't be true because I'm submissive and I'm not a slut. Don't get me wrong... while I do enjoy being called a "slut, bitch, whore, etc" and while I enjoy being used as any of those aforementioned adjectives, that has to be for one person. By doing that, the pure defintion of slut is lost because I'm not a woman who has "many casual sex partners".
Do some "Dominant" men really believe that is all it takes? Just call a random girl a dirty word and her panties will melt off?
And, not judging, but does that work for some women? Are you turned on by this approach? I'm seriously curious because there is a part of me that believes that the only reason these men keep using these "pick-up lines" are because they ARE working! Again, no judgement.
Besides being genuinely interested, this stuff just makes me laugh and provided me with some Saturday morning entertainment.
Yeah, okay... I CAN BE an awesome slut, but I'm not YOUR slut. And it's safe to say that I never will be. :)
Happy Saturday, y'all!