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3 years ago. December 18, 2020 at 10:58 AM

When did crying become a sign of weakness? 

I will destroy your army single handedly - with tears running down my face.

It is not a sign of weakness - it is passion, it is the human soul. 

When our heart is hurting, we cry - simple as that. 

Parents who hide their tears from their children, deceive them. I walked in the room and caught my mother crying - she immediately composed herself and dried her eyes - "whats wrong mom?" - "nothing honey, im fine" . . . . ??

Its not wrong, its not that you are losing control - it just means you are hurting.


Cry!     Its ok - I will cry with you!


This myth needs to be buried.  Those who have taught crying is a sign of weakness were wrong.

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - ❤️❤️❤️ When I allow someone to see me cry, it is my most vulnerable state and a sign that they are deeply trusted. Even hearing me cry over the phone is a state of complete nudity for this non-exhabitionist.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
I get it SBD, Totally understand - thank you for sharing that. ⚘
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - The only caveat is add is that while I agree with being able to show your emotions to your children, NEVER, EVER, EVVVVEEER should you burden your children with adult problems. Don't lie and say things are ok but let them know that while you are sad/mad/fustrated etc, and that it's ok to BE sad/mad/fustrated, that what is going on is adult problems and it is not something they need to deal with. Children are naturally empathetic and will want to try and be your emotional bandaid. That's NOT OK.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Agreed. 👍
Thank you.
3 years ago
Bunnie - I see tears as simply the language of our heart. I don’t just cry when I’m sad. I cry when I’m happy... overwhelmed with joy... with compassion... with connection... with frustration... with anger... with love. Many, many things have brought tears to my eyes :)
I absolutely agree that it is not weakness... quite the opposite in my view... it takes a lot of strength to allow others to see our heart so openly.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Beautifully said Ms Bunnie, thank you ⚘
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - I concur! And I agree with Bunnie - sometimes I laugh so hard I have tears coming down my cheeks. If the right song comes on or a poignant scene in a movie I might tear up (13 Hours is a tough movie for me to watch). I think sometimes as parents, they hid concern from children and didn’t mean to let us know crying was bad - it just somehow stuck because we can feel even if we can’t see the tears. As a man I have learned it’s ok to cry with those you love and trust.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you LL, thank you. 👍
(Carry me Carrie, doctor hook - every time)
3 years ago
Belladonna Dreams​(sub female){Phage'Hada} - What's funny is i only view it as a sign of weakness for me. I don't think others are weak for crying. I think they are stronger for it.
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Agreed! Totally! (About how I feel about when *I* cry)
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you for sharing you, Ms Belladonna. ⚘
The signs are strong - we as a race need to change - it begins within -
3 years ago
Water Lioness​(sub female) - To allow someone to see you cry, is to be totally vulnerable in their presence. A level of trust I usually reserve for my Dom. Perhaps I should rethink.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
The world as a whole needs to re-think, in my humble opinion - Thank you for sharing you Ms Pattyanne ⚘
3 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - For me, crying is a release of emotions, happy, sad, even in anger. I cry at some movies if they touch me emotionally.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
(I do too - sshhh. ☺)

Thank you for sharing you Ms GE. ⚘
3 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Nt looking} - To say we cry can say we are soft but strong, some hide there tears because of shame. I personally as a young boy was made fun of for my tears and vowed to never show them to anyone ever. I can say since GE I have made a change back to what I was. Releasing tears helps me release some stress. It's okay to cry
3 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - Yes, it's ok for men and women. It's vulnerability at its best in my opinion.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Agreed. 👍
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Exactly Don - thank you for sharing you. 👍
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - The saying "wear your heart on your sleeve" is who I am to a tee. I am an extremely emotional being. Although being raised in a loveless atmosphere, where no one showed emotions, I was just born with them, not a learned thing and I am empathic too. So, like others said above, I cry with all the emotions of happy, sad, mad, hurt, frustrated and FEAR. I can't control it unless it is the unbearable hurt of a loss far too great for my heart, then I just shut down every emotion, including the tears.

I wish more people thought of these things in life that have been stereotyped in a wrong way. Weakness to me is only not having knowledge. And most of us can obtain the knowledge we need, and therefore we show strength in the very thing we consider weak.

Thank you, In The for a great blog, I felt it and yes, have tears! 🌸
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Hugs Ms Karyn. 🤗
Thank you for sharing you. ⚘
(My story is the same)
3 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - I'm more like Morley here. I cry at the drop of a hat. I can't tell you how many times I have caught people off guard, been looked at as being unstable. Especially when I'm mad and frustrated.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
"Stable" is a misconception.
Thank you for sharing you Ms GoodBunny ⚘
3 years ago
SSG{ENM-TLP} - Tonight is one of those nights.
Thank you for.the image of you taking on an army and crying with me. For some reason, that is very comforting to imagine.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Aaaw. Hugs. 🤗
I am glad I have been able Ms SSG. ⚘
3 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } -

This man was one of the most well known football players of the time. This clip and the film it is from is my earliest childhood memory.

Thank you Mr.Jack
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
You are welcome Ms Faith, and thank you. ☺⚘
3 years ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - I agree with what so many have already expressed here...I don't feel crying is a sign of weakness its too bad that as a society many are felt that we should keep our emotions inside and by doing so we become fearful of them or even worse pretend as thought we feel nothing..especially boys growing up often times told they shouldn't cry..when in fact tears release a stress hormone that can eventually cause psychological and or physical problems..

My mother has/had always believed that crying is a sign of weakness (of course I disagree with this) in my lifetime, I've only seen her cry twice! The first time, I was so stunned, i didn't know how to react but for me it was the beginning of a long process of understanding her and having a better relationship with her.

Crying shows our vulnerabilities, it shows we are human and have the ability to feel a large array of emotions..never allow anyyone to make you feel ashamed or try to without these emotions.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you for sharing that Ms Ginger. ☺⚘
Growing up it was ingrained in me as well, crying was a sign of weakness.
All the battling and bottling - all the years - they were wrong.
3 years ago

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