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7 months ago. March 12, 2024 at 5:28β€―PM

We are a community, right?

why then, dont we all embrace the non-typical? The unusual? The people on the fringes of "normal"??

I see blog posts of such people, bearing their hearts and souls - and, no likes, no comments - that shit breaks my heart!

Dont be "people"! 

This aint about you, its about us, right?

flitter'fly​(sub female) - Absolutely
Yet some of us do tend to get caught up in our clicks and then have no time to read new blogs from new people. And most times no time to read all the blogs from our clicks.
Not an excuse just a way of explanation for myself.
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Embracing everyone is a hard concept for many. I think all the time...imagine if everyone stopped this division and came together, how powerful we could be as humans. Seems like it'll always be only a dream. People think too much in 'right' and 'wrongs', they're self-centered and defensive, and they feel the need to scream as if they're being drowned out rather than invite people to participate and be part of a community. Every man for himself mentality while there's enough to go around. <3
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Precious girl, yes
Namaskaram πŸ™
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Exactly, most people ARE MISERABLE , and only want to make the rest of us just as miserable.
Also, Mr. Jack
If we took all who read our blogs, and have them just like the blog if they liked it. It would at least show suport.
Does not mean they have to jump in and talk with the rest of us.
Just a thought.
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Support, yes! Exactly my point
Thank you young lady 😘🌹
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - AMEN, Boss.. I can't agree more.. If WE can't accept one another and reach out to those in need in times of need, be it to just talk, give a shoulder to lean on, or even just an EAR to listen, HOW can vanilla society ever be expected to do so at all?
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
I dont think vanilla society ever will my friend, but we here - are we here πŸ˜ŒπŸ™
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Rightttt...
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Ya know, ive been on fetlife for literally decades - it always felt cold and impersonal. Then I found this site. Truly changed my life.
Real people here sharing real feelings and emotions. I just want to do my part to keep it so
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - You are a of energy, Jack. My Daddy and I are always like...yeah, he's cool. We could totally hang with him. Lol

You're one of my favorite people here. I appreciate your honesty, authenticity, and ability to be yourself so freely. <3
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
So threesome? 😏
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Lol πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😹
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - My Daddy and I aren't very good at sharing. ;)
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Exactly... Samezies... :)
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
So foursome? 😏
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you girls, it is you, that are the treasures of this kinky island 😘
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - You DO know Flitter comes with an automatic threesome already, right, Boss?? *laugh*
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Thats why I said foursome 😏
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Ohhhhh, you the dude man hehehe
How cute...
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Hehehehe
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - πŸ˜‡ I is an angel... hehehe
Why we are on this topic.
A bucket list item I likely will NEVER get.
I always wanted to have an orgy.
Just a select group of Mmmmm
And ohhh my my my my.
Yummy..... πŸ˜‹
7 months ago
dollMaker​(dom male) - I used to read most of the blogs, but in recent times I don't, I am not here as much as I used to, so a fair number slide by unseen by me. That's no guarantee I would comment, or leave loves and I don't think doing it for the sake of it is a good thing, though I do sometimes do so to encourage.

Cage is a disparate group of people, from all walks and beliefs, and approaches to what it is we do, but while there are groups here who I guess are a community for themselves, their friend groups, Cage, to my mind isn't a community as a whole, its a site that is more friendly towards some, and a more cold house for others.

I don't mean because of site admin, though I would be critical of some of their choices since I have been here, but in the main the loud member voices that are intolerant towards the queer community, trans people, and racism that has been on show, never mind a lot of US centric one twue wayism, gatekeeping re what is and isn't bdsm and kink - not taking into account there is an entire world out there and societal, cultural and historical factors lead to things being different elsewhere, and that doesn't invalidate those ways. Yes I know that myself and others have spoken out, and challenged about that over the years, but if there was no need to, I and others would not have done so.

I used to feel Cage was my kink home, but over the last few years less and less, it feels cold, and that doesn't come out of people who dislike me for speaking out, but more the culture, energy here. I know this won't be a popular, even accepted thought, but I am not alone in thinking this. I am still here, just, many others are now gone.

In saying all that you raise good points, and I will try and read more, and if the sentiments within warrant response and love I will leave those.

7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you for your input Dollmaker, I appreciate you - I know youve been around this place for a long time πŸ˜ŒπŸ™
I do hope you continue to be 🍻
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - I love this.
Thank You
And yes things here do tend to get a bit childish at times, what I like to call (Elementry) "myself included".
And even I take a step back at that point.
Also, I do personally think the good here and in this community, far outweighs the elementary of the bad.
And by far, outweighs the world in vanilla, that we live in on most days.
Thank You again for a different point of view.
Have I mentioned, how I love the commentary on these blogs. 😊
7 months ago
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Everyone is special. All gave gifts and talents and kindness should be the norm not the exception. What a world we would live in if there was not just acceptance but continual support, and might I say, love for our fellow man. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am ever learning how little kindnesses affect people.
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
A little, long ways - indeed
Thank you Ms Creidsinn, for shining through
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - Friday, Flitter and I were on a bus.. When W/we got on it, it was packed.. Standing room only, save one spot, which Flitter insisted *I* take.. As she did so, a young man stood and let her take HIS seat across the aisle from Me.. At the very next stop, several people got on, and two younger men in the back stood up so females could take their seats.. One gesture of kindness is seen and paid forward.. W/we got off shortly thereafter, but spoke and wondered how many others did the same thing after seeing it right before their eyes..
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - What Daddy failed to mention is at first absolutely no one stood to allow me to sit, untill this very nice young man looked up from his phone.
It was that one act of kindness that lead to the others, immediately jumping up to allow two others to sit.
I so love when one shows this and the dominos effect takeing place.
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Absolutely, we'll said... πŸ€—
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Well
Silly phone.
7 months ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Absolutely I was lucky enough to be taken in by those on the Cage I'm honoured and humbled to be part of an inclusive community
So let's support everyone we are as Jack says we are a community are we nit
Great piece
Love and light T.K.P
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - Boss? You ARE one of U/us.. PERIOD. Just like Flitter, *I* see in You everything she does and more.. I'd be VERY happy to call You My Brother, and I do not say that word lightly, EVER..
7 months ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Too kind
Love and light T.K.P
7 months ago
Jack in the box -

Thank you Ron πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸ»
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - We are a diverse community.. i may not agree with everything someone has to say or vice versa but we should all feel this the Cage is our safe place..I don't want someone to feel their voice is any more or less important.. there are blogs that I just pass over or even hide because life is short and I don't like toxic, negativity.. if someone is in a difficult place, that their struggling with that's entirely different.. although having one "like" or a million doesn't make your feeling/ thoughts any less important.

I think we live in a society now were many are more concerned over who likes/ doesn't versus the message.. I hear you Jack, when I see a blog that doesn't have any likes/ comments I will "sometimes" leave a comment..but I'm not going to like something just to like it. I've been there as Gianna mentioned where my blog was hijacked all about the person and their agenda.. as you said, *we* are not in grade school..if I don't like a blog I just pass it by or hide it.. toxicity stays with you, ruins your mood and day..I choose to say what I have to say and move on... life is short.
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - I could not agree more, ms SG.. I am out here hoping to impart knowledge hard gained through experience, both good or bad, I do not try to come off as toxic, truly, I merely relate My experiences from the present and/or the past.. I post what I do merely for My Own peace of mind.. Sharing this part of My experience or that.. I need neither likes, nor accolades. I only hope others can see the pitfalls I have stumbled into, and sometimes been caught up in so that they might avoid them when they come upon such roadblocks themselves.. Whether people like it or not is immaterial.. As long as *I* know I am trying to help others, THAT is what matters to ME..

7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Absolutely πŸ€—
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
I agree with you 100% Ms Ginger πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸŒΉ
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - Jack! Lordy this thread is super duper long.. great discussion..,)
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
I like it when this happens πŸ˜ŠπŸ™
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - I know you do! ;)
7 months ago
The Kinky Poet​(other male) - Awesome share, great read
Love and light T.K.P xx
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Thank you for being a part my friend πŸ™‚πŸ»
7 months ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male){CurvyB} - I am just a tired introvert. Hop everyone finds a healthy place in the communities the are in.
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - You have a lot to contribute @ whatamifighting for.. ill be the first to admit, i don't always understand the analogy,
sorry i know nothing about trains ..sometimes I just need to keep reading to have that ah huh moment sandwiched in there..
7 months ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male){CurvyB} - We all can only only work with what we know. I just know trains. the important part is not giving up trying to understand and the willingness to pick up new tools to gain understanding. To never stop attempting to move forward in a positive direction.
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Yes, thank you πŸ˜ŒπŸ™
7 months ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male){CurvyB} - You're welcome.
7 months ago
intenseoldman​(dom male) - This place is high school. There's some mature adults, but a lot of sheep following around the "cool kids" trying to get noticed and fit in. There are cliques that take you in one day and reject you the next day. Has anyone's life experience shown them they should expect more?

Everyone here is not my people, but I'm not going to make anyone feel unwelcome because everyone is somebody's people. You know, that's why we're here find our people. I'm happy when people find their people so I am not about discouraging anyone. I just wish there were more happy stories and less sobbing.

7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Well, we'll just have to add to the happy stories now...won't we? :)
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
I was feeling this when I posted this 3 weeks ago
About finding your own group where you fit in.
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Haven't heard that song in so so long. I think some of us just weren't made for cliques or following the sheep. I have never been a part of a group, never sought it out. I was happy with my 1 or 2 close friends and my freedom. Some of us value freedom above most of what others feel they need to be fulfilled. I know Daddy does, he needs his freedom. So do I. I have a feeling you might be one of us too Jack. <3
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
If the crowds going left, i'll go right.
I dont follow trends, I make them 😏
And if little fishies turn into big fishies, well, I put my hiking boots back on 😏
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - We will have to do something fun one day, the three of us. <3
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Wouldnt that make us a crowd?
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - You're the one that asked for a threesome. :)
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Oh, right right πŸ€”
I'll bring the tequila 🍾🍹
7 months ago
Innocent Me​(sub female){Protected} - Hahaha I don't drink and Daddy prefers a good Whiskey. :)

Besides, the three of us don't fit the definition of a crowd. We aren't a large group and I mean...not all of us would be unruly. Lol
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Same
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - I tell the girls all the time when they ask why I did something.. swat their butts wrap a hand in their hair as I kiss them, etc.. I tell em I did it for da fishes.. You know.. Da halibut..
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - I like how what I've read has all been postive for everyone to be able to express themselves and feel better understood..

I've never followed crowds..often walking to my own beat and I'm thinking it sounds pretty good! ;)
In school, i oftentimes defended those who were picked on because I saw how it affected my brother..I always stood out in school..I had an accent and was teased. ;( the following year kids thought it was can be so fickle..

We all see things through our own doesn't necessarily make it true only true through our lens. I have been on the Cage a long time..I've come and go..I've seen people come and go..I've learned things about others and myself that have altered my perception one way or another..I've learned some people can be persuasive..words are just that if not matched up with actions, character and integrity...

Speaking in general terms, my time on the Cage has been mostly positive..I'm in a good place in my life..I feel focusing on postive brings forth postive energizess..

I don't look through rose colored lenses unless there is a bunny etched in.. 🀭 but in all seriousness, I choose to start at a place of similarities rather than our differences....

Regardless of the reason(s) joining the Cage most likely most of *us* joined because we felt we had to hide our innermost feelings due to criticism within the "vanilla world" ..I view submission as freeing and posting in my blogs an expression of myself that I don't always share..I don't want to be caught up in labels.. I want to define my labels rather than the other way around..

I don't want a Dominant I've never spoken to mailing me barking orders because he'll be blocked! That doesn't mean I'm not submissive..just means that I'm not your submissive..

Sorry, Jack I practically wrote a whole book here.. ;)
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
No need for apologies sweet girl, feel free - and thank you for sharing you πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸŒΉ
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Absolutely, I take on others pain.
I've been ostracized and bullied for standing my ground, standing up for what's right, and standing up for the ones who were bullied.
And I have always been this way and would do it all again and again.
If I can be that rock for only one person. It's worth the hell I endured. Besides, I knew I was strong enough.
And still to this day, Daddy teases me, saying he can't take me anywhere. Lol
Because I give love and light to others. Always finding a way to make another feel good. It's what fuels the fire. It's just me, who I am and who I will always be. Daddy is the same way, I'm just more of a tornado when I'm flittering about, where he calmes the storm. So we work well together in our journey.
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - I getcha! You and I are made of sunshine tossed with just a dash of hurricane.. ;) wishing you an awesome day! 🌻
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Hehehe damn Right.
Hugs πŸ€—
7 months ago
Apkrodite​(sub female){ForeverHis} - Everyone counts, we all deserve recognition especially in seeing each others light. The world out there can be a dark place, but here I see beautiful sparkling rainbows of energy everywhere, it's precious and very special so are all of you, we would all do well to treat it as such. Standing together side by side we are strong unstoppable beings, we have the power to give love and light and grow or we can dismantle and destroy. I know where I'm taking my light. Thank you for this Mr Jack never hurts to give a little poke! πŸ™πŸŒ·πŸ€πŸ₯°
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - Far too many of those I care about have had the dark of the world seep into their lives and souls, sometimes.. I only try to give them a [;ace they can be themselves and let themselves revert to a place where their light can regain it's essence and show.. I encourage them to do so, to the extent I am able..
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
You are welcome Ms A, of course.
And I 100% agree with you πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸŒΉ
Namaskaram πŸ™
7 months ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Hehehe we seen your light on your last blog. Splendid indeed.
Hehehe πŸ€—πŸ₯°
7 months ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){βš“ } - Yes! Your radiant been of light shining ..
πŸ€— 🌻
7 months ago
Apkrodite​(sub female){ForeverHis} - Likewise Drinfear, it doesn't take much to extend a hand in friendship. I believe we all belong somewhere to our very own tribe and when we find our home and people it should be treasured. πŸ™πŸ€πŸŒ·
7 months ago
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP} - I could not agree more, ms apk. I ALWAYS extend My hand, but few are brave enough to take it, and even fewer are honest enough, even to themselves, to KEEP it.. I'm a stick in the mud, at times, but see things in definitive shades.. Steal from Me, I'm done. Lie to Me intentionally, I have no time or place in My life for that.. But that's just Me..
7 months ago
Apkrodite​(sub female){ForeverHis} - We must all be cautious of where we spend our energies, protect them at all costs. What we give away gets filled with something, instincts are a magical thing. But when we are lost we can miss judge who is sincere in that extended hand. So I always take a gentle approach now, don't want my hand bitten again lol πŸ™πŸŒ·πŸ€
7 months ago
Jack in the box -
Ya know Ms A, if written in line form, and maybe a bit of rhyme thrown in - that would be a great poem πŸ˜πŸ™
7 months ago
Apkrodite​(sub female){ForeverHis} - Well feel free Mr Jack, even a little guitar to go with, now that would be a blessing to my earsπŸ₯°πŸ™πŸŒ·
7 months ago

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