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A Demi in Isolation

Whimsical thoughts. Never wrong and never right. Not an artist or a writer by any stretch of the imagination. I am just, me. I have stopped questioning it.
3 years ago. February 12, 2021 at 9:23 PM


I love change! I love watching it, love seeing people live revalation (not the biblical sense) and evolving. I can practically see the room full of neurons lighting up as Joy and purpose finally spark true in someone. When two pieces that have never connected before do, and the fireworks of energy explodes. It is a whole body experience, one I search for often. Almost like a drug.


So why then are people defensive about it? If it truly is as miraculous as it seems, why do people protect it with so much hostility? You have finally figured out that key that unlocks the door. Shouldnt you want to hang it on the fridge and glory in its presence? But instead, people cradle it in their arms, sheltering it from the abuse of the world. Protecting the newness of it? You understand a newborn can't understand hatred, malice or ignorance yet, right? 


Maybe they just want to hold it for a little longer. I can understand that. Just want to bask in the glow, before they have to subject it to scrutiny. Maybe in that aspect... I am not empathetic enough, even though I get it, it is just not who I am.


How do I know that my pasta is perfect? I chuck it at the mf-ing wall! (I know that is an old wives tale, bear with me... also... I KNOW you do not want to do this to newborns... though I was talking about new born ideas... not babies... eesh) so when I see an idea that is life changing: that brings a new piece of someone out in all their glory! I want to make it shine brighter. Does a Smith simply leave an unpolished masterpiece of woven metal and fire? Nope, he polishes the shit out of it... then he proceeds to chop everything he can get his hands on in half. He really puts that thing through the ringer,  looking for chips and cracks that could mean his work is not quite done.


Maybe you want your revelation to sit on a shelf and everyone to look at it and be happy for you. If that is your prerogative, I am not here to take that joy from you. But there is another level to this joy that I want for you. I want you to know that piece on your mantle has stood the tests of time, whatever you can throw at it. Is practical AND beautiful. That combination is heady; spiritually resounding. It will fill you with so much pride and purpose that a shiny, useless achievement, never will. I want that for you.


And so, I ask questions. Questions you may be too sensitive to hear, or unprepared to answer. Questions, that at some point, someone invalidated and made you think your answer may be wrong. Questions, you may know will lead your light for the subject to dim, and in the moment you want nothing more than to enjoy the light you have created. Each one of these is yours to decide. I am merely saying you showed it to me, I am proud of you, but I want more in my empathy, in my kindness, than to pretend it is all that it could be.


Maybe you are happy living this level of completeness, but one day you may take that thing off your wall and need it in practical use... and it might fail you, because you weren't prepared for the day you needed to rely on it, because everyone around you told you it was anything but superficial. That your work was done. It wasn't. 


This is just my opinion. I have never told someone they are wrong. I have just made them feel wrong. My fault I suppose. Questioning someone's question. Not allowing them to have their theory and not test it against other theories. Because you have to contend with defensiveness and ego; dissonance and entitlement.


Some would call it confrontational. I disagree (wait... crap). Not everything skeptical is confrontation. Emotion vrs Inquiry is the main difference I see. Some people will just project and feel like every doubtful engagement is a personal attack. Some can go a little longer before feeling like they are being invalidated and their opinion is not being respected. There is a switch that flips, when things dissolve on one side or the other into emotional attacks or biases that become the focus and not the original statements. Paragraphs that argue one point over all others presented. It will happen eventually, if from nothing else than fatigue... but usually it is something more personal.


I am sorry that many feel the need to protect their ideals so deniably, instead of letting their mind be changed, or being wrong. Quite the trend lately, it is a little dissapointing. I thought I was coming to a place where all the ways I was wrong wouldn't matter, because I could be proud of who I am, in all my wrongness... but there are still just as many people here with even more conviction about their "right to be right"


... awe, now I have made myself sad. Oh well. I will likely always be this person who seeks honest conversation and the possibility to be wrong and enlightened for the right reasons. Effectively making both words meaningless in the process. I have been lucky enough to have both in my life recently and I do see the light through the storms. Thank you to everyone that works so hard to stand proud every day. 


To the Moon and Back


WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - I have been dealing with that with thinking back about going to school. The paradox they hand you with individuality vs. thou must conform is impossible to rectify, or in anyway accommodate. Maybe if they had lied less it would have helped(and yes I do remember those blatant lies they told). Then some schools cringe, not really schools any more.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Living this right now. Constantly having to remind myself that a C in a class that doesn't allow for growth or learning is out of my control.
3 years ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - I ran into, "what you did does not count", and you must stop being you the person with entering school. One get very good at hiding who they are after 12 years. Even if it i the golden rule and what comes from it that must be hidden.
3 years ago
Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - There is no "right to be right," let alone anything or anyone that is truly right or wrong. We all come from different backgrounds, have different experiences, have different personalities, have different wants and needs ... the list can go on and on. The point is, we all have different things that lead us to our version of right, our opinion and perception, and that version never makes someone else wrong because the same applies to them as well.

"Everything we hear is an opinion not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth" - Marcus Aurelius.

Don't be sad because other people can't figure that out or get their shit together, instead be proud that you can and have, or at least or honestly working on it and trying 💕🤗💕
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Hey... where did my reply to this go. hmmm, silly phones.

*I SAID* that Marcus guy is a smarty boi. And you are too!

I probably said something else also, but who knows, the moment has passed. The one I am working on in my Dynamic is "Not everything is black and white" context changes rules, it is rough.
3 years ago
Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - And here I was sitting and wondering if your post was about me, the notorious paragraph writer 🤔

Lol I’m kidding, I don’t think anyone could ever accuse me of being one-sided or always right ... now if the accused me of being long winded and opinionated, hell yeah.

And yes, Marcus is a smarty pants. He wasn’t an emperor of the Roman Empire for nothing. The quote is usually shown with images that show how two perspectives can be right at the same time. This one is my favorite ...

The others one is usually a 6 and a 9, but I’m not going there 😇😇😇
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - oOOo! sources and everything! Dare I say this blog is now substantiated. I feel special!! Thank you <3
3 years ago
Mama Bear JJ​(dom female){koa} - And it wasn’t Wikipedia, bonus points 🤪🙌
3 years ago
Susie Q{💙} - You are very self aware. You are also very aware of the world around you. Questioning....that used to be called having discussions. People used to actually discuss differing opinions and still remain cordial. Not so much any more...the art of discussion is lost.
Change to most people represents discomfort. I’m so happy to hear you look forward to it! That’s such a lovely attitude! I’ve always had the philosophy that we need to ‘roll with the changes’ it causes less stress honestly.
Thank you for this heartfelt post!
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - All the words I love!! Philosophy, discussion, less stress 🥰
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
You have a warm, seasoned, motherly way about your words - like homemade chicken noodle soup on a cold day.
Thank you Ms Oracle, for sharing you ☺⚘
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Maybe it's the cold weather that has me thinking about noodle soup and forges. 🥧
3 years ago
K y i v - To expect difference , in acceptance, in this or any lifestyle is to forget it is just a mirror of society. The same people the same drive and expectation. There is no "better" here...only different vocabulary, not even new ideas. From old Leather to present day it is a reflection of society as a whole with all the faults and foibles.

"people are people"

That said, where I find a difference is in one on one relationships--time--trust--communication. Slowly one may awaken to another's outlook, mostly out of respect for them...gained over time and talk.

Eva and I come from different places. vastly different. An age gap. From the start we both had a willingness to listen, to question, to try to understand. Her ability to speak truth to power without fear has opened my eyes to many things. I hope to have done the same for her. To this day we disagree about some things. Time and trust has taken away the fear of disagreement and let it be constructive.

Change,--acceptance, I feel, is a one on one person at a time thing. It starts there and with luck will grow. Or not. Life is about relationships-not masses.

We all judge when we do not know where the other is coming from. We read our life experience into theirs and start from a place of not knowing at all.

This is am awesome post Oricle.
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - That is the perspective I struggle with. Right? It is people are people and they do not exist to please me either. So do I have the right to question them even.

I try to maintain it is always their prerogative that matters, but that leads to me not inserting myself into the conversation either. Maybe in some instances that is best? I try and balance that frame of mind.
3 years ago
ellefire​(sub female) - "So do I have the right to question them even."
As I was reading your post I was thinking "Question me, question me!!" because I'm an external processor and being asked questions and hearing other perspectives and then talking about those perspectives is how I think and learn best (plus anyone who talks about a room full of neurons lighting up has to be fun to talk to!). But I think there is a difference between "Ask me questions so that I feel you are interested in understanding where I'm coming from and what I think" (which is, I believe, your intent) and the "questioning them" that some perceive as an attack. Striving for the former is a life goal, falling into the latter is hard to prevent at times. Thank you for your post and your perspective!
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Hit the nail on the head with that one! That social anxiety of trying not to come across too forward or assertive. Eeep.
3 years ago
K y i v - Oracle, Meh.. I gave up thinking about or trying to understand what "people" are thinking. One at a time for me.
3 years ago
Virginie​(sub female){lcpw} - Oracle 🤟 I like watching you watch and question and question your questioning and stuff
3 years ago
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours} - Haha! I had a good chuckle. I live that statement. xD
3 years ago

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