Noun: a humorous or malicious deception
Verb: Deceive with a hoax.
My state has joined a few other states in protesting our stay at home rule, ours was to end April 24th but now has been extended to May 3rd, local area it's May 15th. The other night while watching the news, same old story just the numbers are increasing I see their coverage of the protesters and they talk to a woman shouting it's all a hoax brought about by government or someone taking away her rights. Another woman was screaming about her right to go to the beauty parlor and showed everyone who tuned in her grey roots while these people clearly were not practicing social distancing. My first thought was how I wanted to confront the first woman and ask her if all of the dead across the world was just a hoax, what kind of mentality do you have that there is no empathy for a human life. My thought on the second woman was pity, if you can't color your own hair that is sad considering I'm a guy and I bleach and color my own hair, too expensive for a professional. But as I watch the news every night and see more and more people joining on the band wagon it makes me sad that we have become so devided in this country, what happened to we our the people, one nation standing together. I saw a woman who said she didn't want the state government to tell her what to do but she was protesting because the president told them to, wow isn't that an oxymoron. I don't care what politcal side you stand for but shouldn't the good of the people come first, I totally understand people our suffering financially right now, but if you rush to open the country and this hits us like Italy or Spain then where do we go next? How big an impact financially would there be when everything shuts down, no grocery stores, no fast food, no nothing but hospitals running and as we have seen lack of medical supplies, doctors and nurses stretched to their limits. Yes, I understand as some say but it isn't that bad here or it's dropping off, but all it takes is that one person and it starts all over. Remember when you had the flu as a kid and you couldn't go back to school until 48 hours had past that you didn't have a fever. How many people do you think will follow that rule considering I went out today to get gas for the lawnmower, 90 percent of the people I saw weren't wearing a mask and the 6 foot rule doesn't apply. I see nothing humorous about people dying, I don't think mother nature or a virus cares about deception it's just following it's programming. Maybe we should build a wall around one particular area of this country let everyone that thinks it's a hoax or feels their rights are being taken away and let them live in this area, they can have grocery stores, hair salons, bowling alleys, tatoo shops, gun stores, whatever they want. Meanwhile the rest of us can stay at home to protect the lives of people who we either now or just have empathy for as humans. Because I don't want to live in a world where we as humans start treating people like just a number, we all have names, lives and stories to tell. Be safe my beautiful friends, big hug from Lion and Hazel.