I have been in this lifestyle a long time. my introduction to BDSM was the time of The Old Guard, of high protocol. Since then, BDSM, has evolved. Throughout my 30+ years, many branches have appeared on the scene. One of which has been DD/bg. The dynamics in that relationship vary ... there are littles, middles, baby girls, kittens, and the like. The dynamics vary according to the needs within these relationships. However, some characteristics, of a Daddy, should remain constant. With powerful titles, comes great responsibility. The potential for devastation, is quite high. Most of us are damaged. However, a “ broken little girl,” inside of a woman, is probably one of the most vulnerable parts of her. Imagine the level of trust needed to let her out. Herein lies the potential for devastation.
In the interest of education, I have provided, what I consider, to be some crucial responsibilities that come with the title “ Daddy”
So ....You want to call yourself her daddy?
Tell me this ;
What’s her favorite color?
What’s something that always makes her laugh?
What are her goals?
Her dreams?
What is she afraid of?
Do you know what she likes do to when she wants to relax?
Do you know what helps her when she’s had a bad day?
Can you recognize when she needs extra love because she’s feeling needy but doesn’t want to say anything?
Can you tell when she’s bothered by something?
Do you know her favorite way to be held, to be cuddled, to be wrapped up in your arms?
Are you her safe place to go to when the world gets scary?
Does she feel safe opening up to you?
Does she feel like she can tell you anything?
Do you punish from a place of love/caring, for correction of her destructive behaviors, for her own good?
Do you see her as a person, a whole complete, complicated person?
Do you make her feel respected and cherished? Do you protect her?
Do you take care of her?
Being a Daddy is way more than fucking her, and if you’re not ready to take her heart, mind, body and soul, if you are not committed to protecting & treating her with all the love, care, tenderness, and respect that you are capable of giving ... you’re not her “ Daddy.” You’re just some asshole who wants to be called “ Daddy. “