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Self-absorbed nonsense, tinfoil panty conspiracies, random horseshit, spontaneous out-of-my-ass pullings, and a time or two when I made myself laugh.
Co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐
Co-founder of ⭐The Romantically Horny Club⭐
3 years ago. December 14, 2020 at 4:29 PM

Do you ever feel, y'know, not so funny?

Me too.
That's why I drink coffee
It's hot and has natural ingredients, like fresh ground beans and caffeine.
I trust coffee to make me feel more awake and funny again.

(Can I get anyone else a cup?)

3 years ago. December 9, 2020 at 1:20 PM

The question of the presence and disappearance of giant prehistoric reptiles is not a matter of geology or archeology, but of philosophy.


If a dinosaur says RAWWWWRR! in a box and there is no one there to observe it, has it been vicariously compelled by an existential dilemma not of it's own making?

- Or did it ever actually exist the first place?


Can someone get back to me about this, please?

3 years ago. December 7, 2020 at 3:02 PM

Either space aliens don't exist or they are very good hiders of things. Have you ever heard of a proctologist getting better reception by inadvertently realigning a satellite dish during one of them routine finger procedures?

No. Neither has anyone else. But imagine...

If, while on a flying saucer joyride, a group of creatures with superior intelligence happened upon our brave blue world. They would almost certainly leap at the opportunity to make first contact. What self-respecting space-faring creature wouldn't? The obvious first step would be to google the home address of a true believer, wait until after dark, land in their backyard, mysteriously sneak in through a closed and locked window, and immediately set about rummaging around in that person's butthole.

Maybe leave a token of friendship in there.

Then the little green guys would casually exit through the same window (now mysteriously re-closed and re-locked) board their craft and wait there for the thoroughly cavity-examined human to wake up - then they'd blast off, leaving the probee just enough time to see a strange light streaking through the night sky above his home.

Oh, space aliens do love their little jokes.

Somehow the entire experience would end up as a grainy video on the youtube channel of an amateur conspiracy theorist who just happened to be in an open field; who luckily captured the entire affair using an obsolete hand-held VHS recorder with just the right shitty quality video tape, pointed at just the right spot in the sky, at just the right moment. Thereby proving without a doubt the existence of semi-intelligent life in the universe.

And who, according to his envious followers, also happens to be the only human to whom that exact thing has happened at least a dozen times before - which is how he and the rest of his fellow true believers know that it really, really, actually took place.

And also because of all the odd "tokens of friendship" that keep turning up in his butthole.

Conveniently, it also gives the rest of us something to read while we're just standing there in line waiting for the only open register at walmart.

So win-win-win.

3 years ago. December 5, 2020 at 7:23 AM

Ok ok ok.

I think this was the original challenge.

I was able to avoid the whole thing - oops, what I mean is I was unfortunately unable to participate! - because I couldn't post a pic here.

SOMEONE has made it so I can't avoid it anymore.

But now I am able to jump right in and submerge myself in all the fun.

I even decided not to shave all the way so you can see my cool gray faceness.

(Disclaimer: I hate selfies, I'm no good at them, so be kind. Hahaha!)

And... here we go.


I only have 2 white shirts. Lets see...

And I actually have a fucking tie! I would have bet real money that I didn't but here it is:

(I'm actually wearing a "geez, a fucking tie selfie. Look who I've become. I don't recognize myself anymore." smile in that pic but you don't get to see it!)

Finally, one of me yelling at the camera "No, no, wait, I'm not ready!"

And that's it. Luckily for me it wasn't a traumatic experience.

(Did I win the challenge?)



3 years ago. December 4, 2020 at 4:39 PM

I've been a member here for over a year. During that time I've checked in every day, usually more than once. I've met some great people, made some close friends, and read countless profiles.

Some of those profiles were of members I would have liked to meet, but unfortunately, in many cases both of us were not premium members so I was unable.

Ok, simple solution. Become a premium member. How much easier could it be?

Here's why I have hesitated to do so. The methods of paying for it make me kind of uncomfortable (am I allowed to say that?) Many, many members do not have that issue, or have overcome it, so it seems that my discomfort is not warranted.


I would do it. I like it here. I really want to meet some more people. Perhaps especially those who "loved" my profile. After all - what else might we love about each other?

So. Would anyone care to reassure me that my reticence is unfounded?

3 years ago. December 3, 2020 at 9:39 AM

"If everyone around you is laughing, and you're not laughing, perhaps you are not morally superior - perhaps you're just a miserable shit."

- Craig Ferguson

3 years ago. December 2, 2020 at 1:33 PM

It was a simple misunderstanding.
That's the problem - it was simple. And it shouldn't have been.

Unfortunately it is far too easy to say "You are just like all the Doms (or subs or Daddies or littles or whatever) that I have ever met. You're all the same."

No, I'm not. None of us is.

But the same type of crap has happened so often with so many people so many times before. We start to see it everywhere even when it isn't there, because we start looking for it, because we want to get ahead of it before it happens. And that makes sense - in theory.

But in practice it just shouldn't be so easy to come to that conclusion. It is true that there are some assholes - admittedly more so among us Doms - that pull the same bullshit because they are too inexperienced to know that its not done that way. The insta-doms or wanna-doms or whatever we call them. But FUCK! we are not all like that.

I may be an complete asshole. I may be a predictable piece of shit. But if you are going to judge me then judge ME! I don't want to be automatically dismissed just because I remind you of that other guy.

Because I'm not that other guy!

3 years ago. December 1, 2020 at 4:16 AM

This past August I happened across something here and as a result wrote a post called "Old Play." It went something like this:

"When you see the profile of someone you were involved with a long time ago and it indicates that she is now owned.
You wonder "When did all this happen?"
And you hope that she's happy."

Very recently a similar thing happened. That same person "loved" something I had written so I was prompted to look at her profile where I saw that her status had again changed in the intervening months.

Then came Thanksgiving. As I sometimes do at the appropriate times of the year I sent out a group message to all of the people in my contacts who I had, at one time or other, designated as a VIP or Favorite or some such.
As it turned out she was still on that list, something I hadn't checked first, so she received that message as well. Of course she responded with the same holiday wishes.

Other than those occasions we haven't communicated in about a year. Now, due to looking again at her profile, along with the inadvertent Thanksgiving message, I have thought about her more than I have since this same holiday last year.

I am compelled to add a revised version of my original post from this past August:

"When you see the profile of someone you were involved with a long time ago and it indicates that she is no longer owned.
You wonder "When/Why did all this happen?"
And you hope that she's happy."

3 years ago. November 29, 2020 at 11:42 PM

It must have been due to the axis tilt of my head.

About 4 years ago, there I was, minding my own business, getting a hand job from a sub named Angela.

All was right with the world.

But Angela was a big brat and thought it might be fun to do a little target practice. So she aimed, gently squeezed the trigger, and POW - I came in my own left ear. It hit me below the temple and went right into my fucking ear.

I never saw it coming...

It was hilarious. We lay there and laughed our asses off for at least 10 minutes. I think. I could only half hear so I can't be certain that it was all laughter, but I'm pretty sure.

Of course, after that I strapped her down and whipped her ass for another 10 minutes for being naughty.

But it was one of the funniest thing that we ever did together.


3 years ago. November 29, 2020 at 6:41 AM

I was going to do the fun white shirt challenge. Alas, I can't upload the pic because I'm not premium.

I hate selfies but I took one anyway, and I actually think it is kinda halfway decent.

Ah well.