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Self-absorbed nonsense, tinfoil panty conspiracies, random horseshit, spontaneous out-of-my-ass pullings, and a time or two when I made myself laugh.
Co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐
Co-founder of ⭐The Romantically Horny Club⭐
3 years ago. December 9, 2020 at 1:20 PM

The question of the presence and disappearance of giant prehistoric reptiles is not a matter of geology or archeology, but of philosophy.


If a dinosaur says RAWWWWRR! in a box and there is no one there to observe it, has it been vicariously compelled by an existential dilemma not of it's own making?

- Or did it ever actually exist the first place?


Can someone get back to me about this, please?

Literate Lycan​(dom male) - But then you have to question the intention and inflection of RAWWWWRR! Did the dinosaur intend for the inflection to be on the RAWW or the WWWRR?
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - We may never know. It is a soundproof box. That's part of the dilemma.
And good morning.
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Top of the morning to you too, Good Sir! Coffee is working its magic.
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - I am woman and I RAWWWWRR... And it doesn't matter who hears it 😝 (and no I am not going to reference a joke about someone who may or may not have hearing problems, due to some misguided or extreme precise aim lol).

What I want to know is.....

Which one of Santa's reindeer did Dinosaurs hate most???

Wait for it....

*Cough, giggle*

3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - RAWWRRRHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Oh you sleigh ME! 😎😳😂
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - oh fuck me. haha.
wait - grommit? flompit? what did you say?
3 years ago
Jack in the box - Grommit. 😂
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - The question is.....

Did the box's dimensions exist of their own accord, or were they self imposed, internal limits defined by the dinosaur?
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - I think it was probably a very large box, a Geiger counter, and a bunch of rogue isotopes. That's about all we can safely assume.
Probably a small group of caveman scientists too. Surely they had some input.
(for the purpose of this experiment we are going to incorrectly assume there were cavemen present. I neglected to mention them.)
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Um . . . Was it an ICE box? 😆
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Hm. I never considered that. Coulda been!
I was feeling a bit Austrian-Irish when I came up with this blog. I was also about half asleep, give or take.
3 years ago
mab{His} - fyi, dinosaurs are avian not reptilian.

If its in a box- it simultaneously roared and didn't roar- cant get past the science!
3 years ago
Jack in the box - Quantum. ☺
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - in fact, it roared and didn't roar and roared to greater and lesser degrees and volumes and so on all the same time! Gee I wish I could do that - oh wait! I do!
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Its dead Schrodinger, you forgot to feed it . . . .

If a man says something in the woods, and there is no woman there to hear him . . . . .is he still wrong? 🤔

3 years ago
mab{His} - Shit, I knew there was something I was supposed to do! now all I have is bones....

You know the answer to that Mr Jack.....!
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Im gonna go with . . . . Yes. 😔
3 years ago
mab{His} - my job here is done... mine you if I ask a guy does my bum look big is something- the answer better be YES!
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Baby got back!! 😍
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Schrödinger: Hey doc how is my cat?
Vet: Well, I have some good news and some bad news...
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Funny stuff right there! 😂
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - I learned everything I know about quantum theory from Commander Data. Haha how cool would that have been!
(geek Dom surfacing over here.)
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - He IS the coolest!!! Well him and Jordi... Wonder how a "box" would look through THaT lense???? 😂🤣😂
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Like a beautiful prism of course. And he could see the heat too.
Now I want to try it. hahaha
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Wait . . . Which kind of “box” are we referring to? Now I’m confused . . .😳
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - A 24th Century Box hahaha
Ask KB. it's her joke hahahaha
But I'm thinking a hot box.
I'm busy over here laughing.
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - Well I know the kind of “box” I refer to in my writings but . . . 😁
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - Hey now, I am just as (if not MORE) perverted than the rest... I am sure though, that the original post stated something of being in a box... Not sure... My mind is... Well... Back to work! You guys figure it out 😝😂😝
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - KB you are just the right amount of pervert! And now that’s the kind of hot box I’m thinking about . . . I’m done working for the day! Closing up shop and going home.🤣😂🤣
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - Like the one Sisco was punished in on that "off grin" planet run by a woman?
3 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - *"off-grid"
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Gotta tell ya, DS9 was my least favorite of all. Well, it was actually pretty cool but Sisco was THE worst cmdr/cpt of all. Well, the character was cool but that actor was horrible!!
Ok, good show, good character, shit actor.
(extra points if you get that reference)
3 years ago
Morley​(sub female){Max Sterne} - And to be clear... My joke was about Dinosaurs, Reindeer and a....


Bahahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Huh? Q-tip? What did she say??
3 years ago
SchrodingersDinosaur​(switch female){N/a} - Perfectly Tee'd up, good set up, funny straight men intact...and and and....dayummm...I got nuthin'. 🤪 I'm sure the wit and snark-ometer will kick in just as soon as I press enter....*Dino giggling away over here though, Johnny, thanks!
3 years ago
Jack in the box -
Such the perfect name for this particular goof off session. 😊⚘
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Now you understand why I sent you that message. As you said, perfect for you.
3 years ago
Annie CW​(sub female){No} - Well... I'm very new here & to all things related to "the cage" so I have no idea what most of these comments mean... but I will learn, I think.
My opinion is: yes he rawwwwwwwrrrred & the fact the no one observed is totally unimportant. It happened. I feel it in my heart.
Science. Quantum. Smartness in general, can take a flying leap.

It was.
Thank you
You may now revoke my belongingship.
3 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified member - Haha welcome to the wide world of weird!
3 years ago

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