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Sometimes my mind forgets that it’s encased inside my skull.

Ramblings, stories and random absurdity brought to you from the writer of “1001 Uses for Hoarded Toilet Paper” and “I’m Willing to Bet $10 Jesus Christ was from Outer Space” and many other books, papers, and requisition forms you’ve never heard of. Read at your own personal peril, laugh a bit, cringe a lot and visit often!
4 years ago. May 4, 2020 at 12:45 AM

When going about your day to day it’s easy to fall into repetition. Dealing with the monotony of life can sometimes create a jaded and complacent outlook surrounding the things we are responsible for. That’s why it’s important to never overlook the things that make us feel better about ourselves and our lifestyles. At the top of that list should always remain our partners. This is especially true in long distance relationships where one partner is away and the other is stationary.


The level of attention required varies from woman to woman depending on her personality and if you know her as well as you should then you will know what is enough and what is invariably too much. (There is such thing as too much.) The most important thing to remember is effort. Women know when you are sincerely trying and that in itself will satisfy most girls.

You can never tell a woman how you feel about her too much. Women love reassurance. But telling her and showing her are two very different things. There is a limit to what a woman will believe with her ears if her eyes remain blinded.


Your partner needs to be the most important person in your life. Period. Aside from children they need to be the number one priority in every decision you make and as such should always be consulted in matters of importance. Especially in matters that could potentially alter or limit your interactions with her.


Nobody can be expected to always be on top of things at all times. We are human. We make mistakes. Some of them not so big. Some of them monumental. Most women will understand that and will try to work things out in the event of such a mistake. However, if your partner can’t or won’t try to fix things then perhaps she’s not the right match for you.


In the end, all we can do is try.

Jack in the box -
Well put, thank you 👍
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - much truth. Yes, we CAN tell when you are trying too hard. Yes, there is such a thing as too much. Yes, there is only so.much we will believe with our ears.
4 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - I applaud your words. I believe that some forget that these relationships are a two way street.
4 years ago
Justataste​(sub female) - I think I vacillate between too much and not enough but I don't really know for sure.
How much truth is there in those cliche sayings- "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and "familiarity breeds contempt". Their very existence seems to imply that "too much" is a greater issue than not enough? I can't think of an equivalent that runs opposite.
Maybe I need to err on the side of "not enough" - leave 'em wanting more
4 years ago

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