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Posts by Miki(masochist female)
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Very important.. Before plunging into actively living this stuff, be sure it's what you want. Don't be afraid to tell someone early on if it's a bit more than you bargained for. That of course mea ...
Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:16 am • 7 Replies • 3444 Views
Now, I am an open-minded Dominant (I'd like to think so, anyway), so through the last few years, I'd say I've picked up many things since my first Contract. There were great times, down times, happy a ...
Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:03 am • 11 Replies • 6238 Views
By definition anyway a masochist is someone who enjoys pain and humiliation and whatnot so for us, me anyway, "punishment" is a play word. It is something to be enjoyed. The punishment noted above, ...
Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:55 am • 13 Replies • 33385 Views
I think he meant "say something before leaving" which, while such would negate the whole "ghosting" act, it's considerate and polite.

being a non english myself I did wonder what he meant of co ...
Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:55 pm • 39 Replies • 17084 Views
@ CK45​(sub female)-- Thanks.. I did overlook the "freeze and run" aspect. In those shoes I would back off a bit because ghosting is not something I want to knowingly inflict on someone.

The ol' ...
Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:49 pm • 39 Replies • 17084 Views