I have been asked many times "Why do you like pain?" and every time I am asked I laugh... It's not like when I stub my toe on the table or chair, I say "Oh yeah, give me more please" LMAO. And it's hard to explain the true feeling of what pain does for ME...
Of course there's the bad emotional pain that most people don't like (notice I said 'most'). For me, I believe I used to be an 'emotional' masochist. I only quoted 'emotional' because a Masochist comes in many forms. I feel this article is a great read: Are You A Masochist?
Anyway, back to the Pain *I* LOVE and why...
There is a certain point in where my mind just starts spiraling, the noise becomes unbearable. This is where I NEED to center myself. Slave Positions are great for me to do as while in them, my mind quiets and I center within. It gives me a purpose that I crave and need and focus on. Then, there is the other need, deeper, a certain space I need to enter, to meld my mind with my body and soul to a level of pure bliss...
I have never truly been able to articulate it, it is a feeling that has been hard for me to put into words. And then, while NOT looking for anything in particular, this meme appeared. So I HAD to share because it so perfectly describes what Pain is for me.
Always, ALWAYS play safe!!!!